This Brings Back Memories!

I find it hard to understand what this woman is saying, using closed captioning helps, but just watching it reminds me of using the TTouch techniques at the shelter. Both the pups and I got a lot out of it.

I went to the shelter twenty years ago, so I didn’t have access to videos then, but I bought the Ttouch book,

It brought me, and presumably a lot of pups, many a happy moment.

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24 Responses to This Brings Back Memories!

  1. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …that a beautiful collie, I don’t see them today.

  2. Thank you for this video. Very helpful.

    God bless.

  3. I remember that, but I never tried it. I bet the shelter dogs appreciated it.

  4. Yes, that really is the magic touch!

  5. MadSnapper says:

    I have not seen the three different touches and I stroke beau many times a day, every time he comes and ask me to. will try these three different ways to do it. as for relaxing his tension, he is already so relaxed he sleeps all the time.. we do not have a busy environment. thanks for sharing, will let you know how it goes with Beau. I am thinking that this also relaxes tension in the person who is doing it.. great for the shelters where all are tense all the time..

  6. Rose says:

    I think that would feel good on my back! LOL But it is good for both…the animal and the person.

  7. Ginny Hartzler says:

    I have never heard of this!

  8. Ann Thompson says:

    Interesting. Nice that it brought back a good memory too.

  9. Myra Guca says:

    I’ve never heard of this, but will be trying it on our girls. Thanks!

  10. The OP Pack says:

    I have heard of t touch. Something I should learn and use with these two.

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