Great Cartoon

Andy came down last night with a box of mail that had accumulated for me. One of the New Yorker cartoons was a woman saying to a man,

Yes, I talk to myself. That’s because I listen.

And that, of course, is the joy of blogging. We not only “talk” to ourselves by writing about things we care about, we also connect with other bloggers who are interested in some of the same things we are. I learned years ago I never feel lonely when I write, and that was even before I started blogging. There’s a reason I made sure I had my iPad with me when they shipped me from our emergency room to the hospital in Santa Fe.

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26 Responses to Great Cartoon

  1. And we like to read you.

    God bless.

  2. Rose says:

    Someone needs to listen to us!

  3. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …I talk to myself, but rarely reply.

  4. I talk to myself because I don’t talk back.

  5. Christine says:

    Have Ipad will travel!

  6. Myra Guca says:

    What a great caption!
    How ironic!
    My FB Memories popped up from something I shared last August 5:
    “Of course I talk to myself. I like a good speaker and I appreciate an intelligent audience.” (–Dorothy Parker)

  7. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Very cute and wise quote. How are you doing now? any news on a coming home date yet?

    • Jean says:

      If it works it’s supposed to be six weeks total. I have a follow up appointment Thursday, so presumably they’ll take pictures to be sure it’s healing.

  8. The OP Pack says:

    And we are ever so glad that you do talk to us and we do love to listen:)

  9. I’ve always talked to myself – as basically a home alone child in my generation – when I came here my neighbour said “you talk a lot to yourself” as if it was a bad thing – then a few weeks later, I said “you talk in your sleep” – she felt that was different – but what I haven’t told her, is her strange noises which I think are her hands running down the wall…

  10. MadSnapper says:

    iPad and smartphone is at the top of my grab list if transported to hospital. ha ha….. I am with you, I enjoy writing and enjoy even more when comments come in and stories are generated in return… yay for lots of mail to make your day go by while waiting for the all clear to go home

  11. YES! It’s probably the same feeling for most of us!

  12. Ann Thompson says:

    One of the reasons I started blogging was because I needed someone to show things to. At the time I was doing a lot of photo editing and I would show them to Wade and he would always tell me he liked the original picture better. Then I would show him a craft project and his response would be uh huh.

  13. Bruce Taylor says:

    Once a computer freak, always a computer freak! That’s meant in a complimentary fashion.

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