Lamb Chop

I had a wonderful afternoon up on the land yesterday with Andy, Kaitlin and Torben and the pups. Kaitlin made a feast of nutritious foods (a bit of a struggle to get in rehabilitation and assisted living places) and it was wonderful to just hang out together.

Tempi still loves the rocking chair on the porch,

And Zoe is ever alert when Kaitlin is in the kitchen.

Unexpectedly, Kaitlin handed me Lamb Chop to take home as we were leaving.

Why? Well, she did say that Tempi had tried to tell her that Tempi did not like Lamb Chop. And to make sure Kaitlin got the message Tempi kicked Lamb Chop out the door when they opened it at one stop. Presumably Kaitlin thought Lamb Chop would be safer with me than with Tempi.

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26 Responses to Lamb Chop

  1. The OP Pack says:

    So very happy for your nice day. Lamb Chop will be good company for you as you await your return home.

  2. Lamb Chop looks like good company.
    I remember watching Sherrie Lewis on TV. πŸ™‚

  3. Ginny Hartzler says:

    What a funny story! Of course we will always wonder WHY he did not like Lamb Chop. I remember Sherri Lewis so well!

  4. Bruce Taylor says:

    Zoe looks like my cat, Sweetie-Pie, whenever I have food in my hand, even though she eats very little “human” vittles. And I think Lamb Chop will be a nice companion to you. Glad you made it up to “the land”.

  5. aha new companion for you since it was rejected – or did Tempi think it was meant for you, anyway πŸ™‚

    • Kaitlin says:

      That is what Torben thinks. He thinks Tempi wanted my Mom to have a friend. They usually LOVE lamb chop.

  6. Ann Thompson says:

    Lamb chop is very cute. He’ll make a good buddy while you’re recuperating. I wonder why Tempi didn’t like him.

  7. Rose says:

    Lamb chop will always be good for a smile…every time you see Lambie, you will think of the story of how it came to live with you.

  8. MadSnapper says:

    so happy to hear you had a day out of the Beehive and now have a pet for your yellow room. who knows how dogs decide what they like and don’t like. so good to see Tempi in the chair…

  9. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …things are looking up!

  10. I’m glad you had a great time and that little lamb chop is a cutie!

  11. Lamb Chop will be a pleasant companion!

  12. Myra Guca says:

    Catherine took the words right out of my head!
    I was guessing Tempi meant LC as a get-well gift. Better than a bouquet of flowers!

  13. So glad you had a lovely visit and an awesome meal. That is funny about Lamb Chop.

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