It’s Not Just Kittens and Ducklings

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12 Responses to It’s Not Just Kittens and Ducklings

  1. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Oh, the look on the dog’s face when the mother discovers them! So I guess now the chicks have both a mom and a dad!

  2. tomthebackroadstraveller says:


  3. Ann Thompson says:

    So cute. I love how the mother duck tweaked the pups paw near the end there

  4. MadSnapper says:

    I can’t decide who is the cutest, the mom, the ducklings or the dog… adorable

  5. They are all just so precious!

  6. That was so cute to watch. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Rose says:

    What fun to watch!

  8. The OP Pack says:

    So cute. That is quite the unique bond. And how kind of the mother duck to be OK with it all. I would love to know what the flapping of her wings means. We saw the dog’s ears go flat when she first arrived, a bit of a sign of worry – am I in trouble? – but then settled back down. We wish there could be followup videos to see how the new family works out:)

  9. Myra+G. says:

    That just made my day!

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