I Should Have Had My Camera

Andy and I both said that in the past week or so. He was walking from the car to the apartment when a buck and a doe walked right in front of him as they were going to the back of the apartments. They didn’t seem to notice him.

I was walking to the post office in the evening, and as I was passing the pond a doe was nibbling the grass inches from the sidewalk. She noticed me, stopped eating, and quietly looked at me. I stopped, told her I wasn’t trying to bother her, then continued walking past her. She took a couple of steps back but clearly wasn’t afraid.

They would have made great pictures.

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15 Responses to I Should Have Had My Camera

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    Isn’t that the way it always goes. You never seem to have a camera in your hand at the right moments. Then again maybe there’s a reason for that. Perhaps it wasn’t meant to be photographed it was just supposed to be observed and cherished.

  2. Indeed, often one wishes we had a camera to hand.

    God bless.

  3. Rose says:

    I sometimes think animals have a feeling about whether harm is intended or not.

  4. MadSnapper says:

    wow, so glad you saw them, they must be looking for food. now I want to know why you were walking to the post office without taking your cell phone to call for help if needed. now that I typed that, I think I know, you have a phone for taking pics and one for calls.

  5. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …never leave home without my camera.

  6. I wish I could take good pictures now but my hands shake too much. I was once good at it.

  7. Pixie says:

    When I was hiking near Penticton this past summer, I happened to look up and there was a buck looking up at me, not concerned, just more curious. Thankfully, he was on the other side of a fence. Deer can kick the crap out of you when they’re scared.

  8. Sorry you missed those photo opportunities but how awesome that you both experienced those moments.

  9. You didn’t have a camera but you had the pleasant experience.

  10. Ginny Hartzler says:

    But WAIT! You can walk to the post office? I am so glad to hear this! Are you back to normal now? How about pain?

  11. Myra Guca says:

    How I wish I’d been there!

  12. They are so lovely to see up close.

  13. The OP Pack says:

    We are picturing them in our mind. They all knew that you would never harm them.

  14. Bruce Taylor says:

    But you both are so lucky to have had the experiences.

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