Not Everyone Hates Cold Weather

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6 Responses to Not Everyone Hates Cold Weather

  1. That’s how ours is used.

    God bless.

  2. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …it’s dang cold here this morning!

  3. LOL! So often true.
    Too cold to be outside at all here. -20 degrees right now…up from -22 during the night. Brrrr!

  4. Kaitlin says:

    We were told that would be ours…. Ours finally gave it up after all the mi es so we had to let it stay in CA…. We need to decide what to get now!

  5. Shug says:

    It is very cold here today, but I was just telling my husband yesterday, how much I enjoy the cold temps. I most likely would not if I had to be out in it, but it is nice to have a change. It helps with the bug population too…

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