that Kaitln and Torben changed their plans. They had originally hoped to come out for a brief visit this past three-day weekend, but they decided to wait until next month. They missed an exceptionally cold and gloomy time up on the land — Andy says he mostly has stayed in the house because of the dangerously low temperatures. With any luck next month will be a lot nicer.
Fingers crossed!
January 22, 2025
its not even a good time to come to Florida, our weather has been miserable now for 3 days and got two more to go. glad they changed their plans
Thanks. 🙂
It seems that the exceptionally cold weather is hitting all over the U.S. right now. Glad they changed their plans and I’ll be sending positive thoughts that it’s warmer next month when they do visit.
Thanks. 🙂
Been downright dangerous freezing temps here, too!
Could be better in February. Toss up–lol! Hope so. 🙂
Thanks. 🙂
Did you get a lot of snow, or just cold? As others have said, no where in the US seems very warm right now…. Certainly not here either!
Not much snow, just cold.
…yesterday we finally hade a beautiful blue sky, but it was bitterly cold. I never left the house.
I’ve been staying home most of the time too. That’s why I don’t mind it so much. 🙂
All across the Country, there has been some bitterly cold temps. Hopefully when they come, you all will be able to enjoy getting out in some descent weather conditions. Too cold to do anything outside today…no snow here, just some VERY cold temps.
Thanks. 🙂 Not much snow here either, just cold.
I’m so glad they erred on the side of caution! It was 18* this morning, and yet our dogs love it.
A lot of dogs do. 🙂
We’ve been well below zero for a few days. Today is warmer. It’s not abnormal here, though. Still, not pleasant.
That’s colder than here!
Sounds great. Hope it all works out.
Thanks. 🙂
I’m glad you are all being so careful, what with all the snow and ice!
Thanks. 🙂
I am having trouble posting – but I am glad the kids waited – not a good time to travel.
Thanks. 🙂
It’s cold-ish over here too. Overnight lows in the teens and daytime highs in the 40’s and 50’s. As I have said repeatedly, I didn’t move to Arizona for this!
It’s slightly colder here, but I mostly stay home where it’s warm.
Good plan. It is always more enjoyable when the weather outside is more cooperative. I managed to get the pups our for their walks today FINALLY. It was still pretty cold but I bundled up well. They loved it.
I’m glad you are being careful! But I’m also glad the pups had a good walk in their kind of weather.
I hope it’s a lot nicer weather for you soon!
Thanks. 🙂
My Dave was celebrating when he had to go out yesterday because the temperature was ABOVE zero!
Yes, your winters are always a lot colder than ours!
I am glad they changed if it means better weather. I think we have had one day above freezing in the past 3 weeks….yesterday or the day before did not get out of the single digits.
We’ve have more above freezing highs here, but it’s still been cold.