Clearing Trees Off the Road

Andy has been spending a lot of time clearing the road of trees that blew down in Monday’s wind. Most of them were small and only partially across the road, but this one took him three days to clear.

Notice the little electric chain saw in the picture — that’s the only one he can use now. He doesn’t even take his two gas-powered ones in the car — they are too heavy for him to use safely. Doing the best he can with what he has left.

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28 Responses to Clearing Trees Off the Road

  1. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …many things are too heavy for me these days.

  2. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Oh my gosh, how did he ever manage to do it!!

  3. shug says:

    that’s a good size tree. Do the best you can with what you have, where you areβ€”and trust that it’s more than enough.”

  4. Andy just keeps going and going….

  5. Doing the best we can changes over time.
    He is still managing a whole lot! πŸ™‚

  6. I’d say he’s doing very well!

  7. Pixie says:

    That’s all any of us can do.

  8. Wisewebwoman says:

    he is amazing Jean. I would not be able to do that. And his patience is stellar!

  9. Myra Guca says:

    That’s a great attitude!

  10. The OP Pack says:

    Oh gosh, we hope he is very careful.

  11. I can’t use the heavier chain saws either these days.

  12. Ann Thompson says:

    That is a lot of work. Wade used to have a small electric chainsaw that I used a couple of times. This tree would have taken a lot to cut up.

  13. MadSnapper says:

    Andy is truly a member of the Energizer Bunnys for sure… keeps on going and going and going and wow on clearing that tree with electric saw that size… how do you eat an elephant, one bite at a time.. same with this tree..

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