This Reminds Me of Tempi

It makes me think of the time Tempi was told she couldn’t sit on the couch up on the land, and Tempi sat on the table instead. No problem, the view was even better from up there.

Eventually Kaitlin and Torben decided it was a dumb rule, so they started putting a sheet on the couch to protect it, and Tempi can use it any time she wants.

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20 Responses to This Reminds Me of Tempi

  1. Kaitlin says:

    That is soooo Tempi!!!

  2. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …you needed to be clear!

  3. Myra Guca says:

    Tempi on the tabletop’s a classic!

  4. Shug says:

    LOL…This reminds me of my daughter…the one that I would NEVER have thought would have an inside dog. Now she has 3. She has a special little vacuum that she uses to clean the dogs paws with when they are coming in from the outdoors. Makes me laugh. Tempi…must be pretty smart…

  5. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Seems the dogs can sometimes figure out things better than their humans!!

  6. Bruce Taylor says:

    TableTopTempi! Sounds kinda like a professional wrestler!

  7. HA! Those were most excellent table manners!

  8. MadSnapper says:

    I love the cartoon and I love Tempi and her habits of sitting on top of anything, inside or outside. the sheet is the perfect fix, before leather sofas, we used sheets, now with the last 3 dogs we use pillows with pillow cases..tell Kaitlin we need a Tempi sit fix

  9. Ann Thompson says:

    That’s funny. Tempi did good at following the rule about not being on the couch and no one ever said she couldn’t get on the table. I love how she finds a way around the rules.

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