Patience and Persistence


Last weekend I found more folders with missing files, but I figured I could retrieve them and tag them with keywords in a day or two of work. Yeah, sure. Instead I suddenly developed two computer problems Monday and I didn’t get things working again until yesterday afternoon.

Adobe Bridge is the program I use to rename and tag my files, and it’s been working fine for years. Uninstalling and reinstalling it didn’t solve the problem, so I ended up updating to the latest version (CS6) and installing that. It comes with Photoshop CS6 and I figured sooner or later I would update to that program anyway.

The other problem was my automatic backups with the Apple Time Capsule (external hard drive plus Wi-Fi station) stopped working. The Time Capsule was over four years old, and the new ones had four times the capacity of mine, so I bought a new one. I’ll use the old one as a backup Wi-Fi station. I thought that might solve that problem so I could get back to work, but it took about 45 hours to do my initial backup (??). I expected it to be slow, but even Tech Support agreed there might be a problem when it was backing up at a rate of less than .5 GB a hour. (I had over 151 GB to back up in all!) Their only suggestion was to be patient as long as it was doing something, but to phone back tomorrow (about 72 hours after I started) if it hadn’t finished.

Luckily, it did finish yesterday afternoon so I could get back to work. It took quite a few hours yesterday and today, but I have now essentially finished. Needless to say, it’s a great feeling. It’s like finally finishing a gigantic crossword puzzle. 😀

Have you had to be patient and/or persistent about anything lately?

Thanks to Mike, Evan, Rummuser, bikehikebabe, tammy, Dixie and Nick for commenting on last week’s post.
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15 Responses to Patience and Persistence

  1. bikehikebabe says:

    SHOW OFF!!! We always knew you were smart but THIS… proves it without a shadow of a doubt.

  2. bikehikebabe says:

    I forgot this > 😀

  3. tammy says:

    i have no idea what you just said.
    but i think i could feel your pain.
    you know i have no patience.
    i’m the vulture that sits on the branch looking down
    and says “patience my -ss. i’m gonna kill something.”
    i’m with bhb . . . we always knew you were smart!! 🙂 too.
    i would have killed the apple thingy i guess.

  4. tammy says:

    the word missing under i’m

  5. bikehikebabe says:

    Tammy, Jean loved every minute of it. She doesn’t do what isn’t fun, huh Jean?

    vulture “gonna kill something” 😀 😀 😀

  6. Cathy in NZ says:

    I’m with Tammy…no idea what you are nattering on about,sounds feasible though. Also with bhb…you are one smart cookie with that computerised stuff.

    Sometimes I’m slightly patience but usually my Arian temper races me to the finish line which means that persistence never gets in on the action!

    Recently using my temper at a problem with my hands/painting/art got me good remarks but how to repeat the result isn’t going to be easy 🙂 as I know what caused the temper to arise and I’m not going down that pathway anytime soon!

  7. Dixie says:

    Ha, the joke was on me. Stopped by earlier, saw the Abode message and thought something was wrong with my computer. Checked off, went looking, found nothing, and came back here.
    Wow. I think that covers it for me.
    Glad you got your stuff sorted!

  8. Jean says:

    So I have a talent for solving problems. Big deal. I’m a klutz when trying to ride a bike, which you clearly weren’t. 🙂

    I am pleased that I managed not to get frustrated, though. That took a bit of effort, especially because there was no guarantee that the long backup would work. For all I knew after 72 hours we might have to try something else. So I did keep checking to make sure the danged thing didn’t stop completely. If so I had a contingency plan just in case.

    I agree with bikehikebabe: 😀

    Actually these vultures are some of my role models:

    I certainly did enjoy retrieving those files and putting in key words once I was in the mood to tackle the problem. It was on my Possibility List for a l–o–n–g time. Waiting for the backup wasn’t as much fun, but I poked around and learned a lot. I figure if we have to go through things like that we might as well get something from them.

    The thing that tickles me is the new program, Bridge CS6, acted a bit funny today on just one folder of files, and it didn’t make any sense at all. So I spent some time on the internet to see if I could find an explanation. No luck so far, but I did read an idea to try if the program isn’t working right. It didn’t work on CS6, but I restored CS4 and tried the idea on that. Now CS4 is working slightly better than CS6. Go figure! It’s too funny for words. 😀

    I threw the details in just to give a feel for the complexity of the problem. They’re clearly not important in themselves. Glad your anger had good results, and I agree, it’s best not to try to trigger it if you don’t have to. I hate feeling angry or frustrated.

    I’m sorry about that! But it does make a great story. 😀

  9. Rummuser says:

    I must join the chorus and say, what was that all about? I am fortunate to have a resident geek who sorts out these things when they occur, which is rare, because, ahem, I use a Mac. Or at least that is what I am led to believe.

    Yes, my patience was tested for two and half days. Being a good listener with people I love, can be taxing! But by and large I had fun, and enjoyed being spoiled silly by my cousin and his delightful wife. A change of scenery and no household chores to attend to was very refreshing. I still enjoyed coming back though!

  10. tammy says:

    MONK! you need to do a little book of your cartoons.
    you are so good.

  11. Max Coutinho says:

    Hi Jean,

    Whoa, you have had quite an adventure – having been through it myself (a few months ago when about to throw the computer off the window), I can tell you that these things happen to test our patience and persistence.

    While my patience isn’t tested again, I meditate so when trying times come I won’t lose it lol lol… 😉


  12. Cathy in NZ says:

    Yes, Jean – agree with Tammy…do something with this “cartooning” art skill 🙂

  13. Jean says:

    tammy and Cathy,
    Thanks. I’m hoping to draw a few more cartoons in the fullness of time. I use them in posts and put them on Flickr with a Creative Commons license. Some people use them.

    I agree. I look at instances like that as a test to check how I’m doing. I don’t meditate but try to practice the Traits of Stress-Hardy, Resilient People in my everyday life.

  14. Nick says:

    Sorry, Nick has quit unexpectedly. Error number Z3471: Fell asleep. Try rebooting or having a nice cup of tea and a fag.

  15. Jean says:

    Unfortunately this all happened on a Mac. 🙂

    Glad you’re getting out and about more. I agree it’s great to get away sometimes, but it’s even better to get back home.

    Brilliant! 😀

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