Scary Times?

Frank & Ernest
Of course not everyone thinks the campaign season is the scariest time of the year. According to Andy Borowitz 55 million people have applied for Canadian citizenship since Tuesday evening…99.99% of them from the U.S. 🙂

Which do you think is scariest, the campaign season or the aftermath? I’m afraid I find them both a bit depressing. Do you think there is any chance we will have a reprieve for a while?
The Born Loser

Thanks to Looney, Cathy, bikehikebabe, Rummuser and gaelikaa for commenting on last week’s post.
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5 Responses to Scary Times?

  1. Looney says:

    Poor Canadians. My impression is that their greatest fear is to be called an American.

    I am certainly glad not to be plagued by robo-calls now that the election is over.

  2. rummuser says:

    Reprieve? From the election matters, perhaps yes, but other scary things will now start. So, you won’t have any shortages to scare you.

  3. Jean says:

    Poor Canadians? My guess is they’re thanking their lucky stars.

    Yes, it pays to have a sense of humor. 🙂

  4. Evan says:

    I’d say the Republicans will be doing their best to ensure the scare goes on for the next two years.

    After all it’s a known fact that if poor people can afford health care that this will be the end of civilisation and anti-Christ will come to reign on earth (or something, apparently).

    Scary, but not perhaps in the way they intend.

  5. Jean says:

    Yes, some of the Republicans will be doing all they can to make sure Obama isn’t re-elected. Hopefully some of them will be trying to prove to the American people that they’re worthy of holding office. No one is throwing away their “Throw the rascals out!” signs yet.

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