Money or Wisdom

A man who finds a bottle on a beach. He uncorks it and out comes a genie who offers the man a choice between a colossal amount of money or infinite wisdom. The man thinks hard for a few minutes and then chooses infinite wisdom. Days later several friends of the man see him sitting on a park bench shaking his head and talking to himself. Knowing he now has infinite wisdom they move in closer to hear what he is saying. Over and over they hear him repeat: “I should have taken the money, I should have taken the money.”

Which one would you choose? If money, what would you do with it?


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24 Responses to Money or Wisdom

  1. Ursula says:

    That made me laugh, Jean. Thanks.

    In my wisdom I would have taken the money. Why? Because “infinite” wisdom is worthless. Neither can wisdom be “given”. It’s something you acquire slowly over your lifespan = which is, of course, why on the whole we tend to turn to our elders to ask for advice/their wisdom.

    What I’d do with “a colossal amount of money”? I’d breathe a huge sigh of relief that I am finally financially independent (and money does give you freedom) and then, because I don’t need a lot, I’d spread my riches to other people. In some cases to change a life, give someone a chance, in others just fulfilling a long held dream out of their reach. I can honestly say (no bullshit) that nothing makes me happier (other than the Angel) than being of help and use to others. To me money is a tool – a very very useful tool to make people happy if only by relieving them from the burden of daily worry, giving them breathing space. What I am saying, Jean, is: I’d love to save the world!


  2. Mike Goad says:

    I’d take the money, of course. That’d be the wise thing to do.

    With a “colossal amount of money,” I’d do the selfish things first, such as investing more than enough to take care of Karen and me, our kids and grand-kids for the rest of our lives. Next we’d buy a nice house in at least one of our favorite places. And, of course, there would be wider travel and other “upgraded” lifestyle expenditures.

    After taking care of the “immediate family,” I’d share some of the wealth with the extended family — my dad and step-mom, all of our brothers and sisters and their children and grandchildren. Everyone would get a “nice” lump sum, with the understanding that it’s limited by the annual federal gift tax limits and that there “might” be more later, if things worked out right.

    Then, I’d start helping others, hopefully in smart and effective ways. Sometimes, that might just be by gifting money to individuals. Other ways might be to help relieve someone of a crushing college debt burden or adding money to worthy Go Fund Me or other crowd-sourcing site accounts that aren’t raising the desired/required funds. Giving to established charities would be only after checking on their effectiveness and what percentage of donations actually benefit those in need.

  3. Cindi says:

    Without a doubt, the money.
    And as they say, ignorance is bliss.

    If I had a colossal amount of money I would help my family and friends, including friends I have never met.
    After that was done, I would start searching for land.
    Lots of land and then build my dream home.
    I would have another house built for Lily and her love and they could help take care of all the animals that we would rescue.
    In my spare time I would ride horses, swim and…write!
    Yep, bet you thought I’d say make Art.
    I would do that too but more as a hobby, not as a tool to make money.
    I would also like to go out into the world and observe people and do random acts of kindness.
    I would use the power of my money to campaign against animal cruelty, big game hunting and similar causes.
    I would drive a very nice car. In fact have 3.
    A luxury sedan, a convertible and an all-terrain.
    and I would stay close to those I love, maintaining the core group I have now but probably never trust anyone again enough to be a really good friend.

    • Jean says:

      Having a lot of money could be a nuisance if other people found out. I would want to be able to give anonymously and not have to worry about con artists.

    • Jean says:

      What would you write? Are you doing any now? Besides your blog, of course, and that definitely counts. 🙂

  4. tammy j says:

    but of course! the money.
    and ditto ursula and cindi… except for
    after saving everybody i’d want to save… plus CHANGE EVERY FACTORY FARM… and demolish ALL cruelty to animals…. everywhere…
    and in unnecessary science experiments as well.
    THEN i would open my own health spa.
    it would be for people who are desperately TIRED and worn and down and at the end of their rope. and without the money to go to one.
    it would be fabulous. and it would be free to them. they could stay and become rejuvenated.
    it would offer all the regular spa amenities… and with glorious delicious food and a library of wonderful dvd’s to make them laugh…
    and deepak chopra would always stop by while they were there to talk…
    and wayne dyer…
    when they left they’d be a new person! inside and out! and so happy.
    lots of money.
    that’s what i’d do.
    and then i’d clean up the oceans! LOLOL

  5. I’m with everyone else — It does seem like the wisest and smart thing to do!

  6. Jean says:

    I agree — take the money and do something useful with it!

  7. nick says:

    I’d take the infinite wisdom, because it would tell me how to make a colossal amount of money. Then I’d have both the money and the wisdom.

  8. Evan says:

    I’d choose wisdom – then you could learn to make money if you wished.

    With money I have enough ideas to spend billions.

    First up solving Australia’s affordable housing crisis. Buy several hundred homes then lease long-term at cost of maintenance plus a margin to buy more stock.

    Funding social entrepreneurial ventures at home and abroad.

    Found permaculture and co-housing ventures.

    There is no shortage of worthwhile ways to spend money!

    • Jean says:

      I’d rather just have the money so I could give it away, do something useful with it, and not worry about making it. Just an infinite pot of money would be just fine. 🙂

  9. Cathy in NZ says:

    I’ll have a bit of both thanks…enough money to help me up a rung and the wisdom to know that what I’m doing is the right reason…

  10. Cindi says:

    In answer to your question.
    I would write the story of a girl who’s life was saved over and over again by dogs when people over and over again, failed her. a True story.
    No, not writing except for the blog and re-writing the Kanga book about 7 times now.
    Nope, I’m just painting, working on the house, maintaining it, working on my booth, caring for my animals and working that damn day job.
    But, SOMEDAY I’ll write it.

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