Good Lord! I’d rather watch these videos on YouTube rather than in real life.

Some of the clips are about accidents, but some of the are about daredevils putting themselves in harm’s way. DPLDT. It clearly works for them.


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8 Responses to OMG!

  1. tammy j says:

    good lord. it’s like people can’t invent ENOUGH ways to kill themselves …
    not to mention others! like some of those poor innocent bystanders!
    as you say… DPLDT.
    maybe we should start saying CrazyPeopleLDT. 🙂

    • Jean says:

      I disagree. They’re not crazy, they’re just wired to like risk. You and I probably wouldn’t have such cushy lives (if we were alive at all) if there weren’t people like that in the past. More power to them as long as they don’t make me do it. 😀

  2. Linda Sand says:

    That first plane landing reminded me of the movie, Scully, about the pilot who landed a passenger plane on the Hudson River in New York City. Good movie.

  3. .Rummuser says:

    I don’t need to watch Youtube clips to get the same thrills. I just have to take my car out to go for a drive in any of our city’s roads.

  4. agree have someone else have those “thrills…” actually didn’t watch the whole clip…got the gist quickly … thanks though.

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