Poor Tempi!

I received this email from Kaitlin this morning:

Subject: OMG

This from the pet sitter – less than two hours after we left…

Ruh,roh… Tempi must have sensed that you were going away. She got into the disaster control kit. She ended up getting into four of the six bones that were in the bag. Guess she felt she needed a distraction . I think it might be best to Crate her while we are away from the house. Let me know your thoughts on this.

Tempi does have problems with anxiety and was obviously trying to self-soothe — fingers crossed it works. My heart goes out to them all. That’s not a reassuring message to receive when you’re going on a mini vacation.

Fingers crossed for Michigan in the Final Four!


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9 Responses to Poor Tempi!

  1. tammy j says:

    poor little thing. when they’re a rescue like Tempi we cannot know all about their “before” life very well and it’s amazing that most of them can ever get over it. and we really can’t know best how to help them. we just have to hope they understand as we try to figure it out.
    my little cocker Sara was traumatized her whole life by all small children.
    come to find out she came from a home where the children just ran wild.
    they were apparently taught nothing about animals or even just basic kindness. to animals or even each other.
    the lady who rescued them from the husband and wife who were divorcing was told by them both that if all the puppies and the mother weren’t given away that day they were going to “shoot them all.” OMG is right. the lady took ALL of them just to save their lives. when she was gathering them up one of the kids was holding my little 6 week old Sara in a death grip and literally ‘playing the piano with her.’ plonk plonk plonk up and down the keyboard and yelling out a song. the only one in the litter that wasn’t black was my wee Sara. she was reddish blonde. they weren’t even weaned yet.
    I fed her by a child’s baby bottle for many days.
    Sara also had separation anxiety. it took me her full 12 years to “know” that I was coming back. and strangers and especially children she NEVER got used to.
    patience is key. and Torben and Kaitlin have that in abundance!
    but even the best moms and dads need a break! XOXO

  2. Poor Tempi is right, this is when you wish you could just make them understand that it’s all okay.

    Paws and fingers crossed for Tempi and Michigan in the Final Four!

    • Jean says:

      It probably helps that Sammy is there and relaxed about the whole thing. And at least she’s home, not in a kennel.

  3. Jean says:

    Kaitlin says Tempi does have plenty of toys in her crate if the sitter has to go out, and she is a lot better off at home than in a kennel. Amen to that. And she’s also a lot better off than Cheoah was at The Thundering Herd, when she had to stay in her crate for six weeks while recovering from surgery. Just ask that poor pup!

  4. oh dear…that souunds just awful – and the pet sitter, having to think through what should be done…and as you say “thank goodness they aren’t at the kennels…”

    • Jean says:

      Kaitlin doesn’t seem to be worried about it, which is a relief. This trip to see the basketball finals was a mess and I want them to have a good time. And Tempi does have plenty of toys to amuse herself with in the crate when the pet sitter has to go out, so I think it will be fine. I think the pet sitter made the right call.

  5. .Rummuser says:

    Chutki usually has me for company and is spared anxiety attacks when Manjiree and Ranjan disappear. When all three of us are away, she does sulk but what a welcome we receive when we return!

    • Jean says:

      She’s lucky. Kaitlin and Torben work so are gone during weekdays. Although Sammy and Tempi still have a cushy life compared to a lot of humans!

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