Laughing at Ourselves

Have you done enough “stupid things” in your life to have learned to laugh at yourself? I sure have. Years ago whenever I embarrassed myself to death I would inwardly laugh and say, “Well, Jean, Old Gal, you’ve made a complete fool of yourself again. But you’ve done it so often already one more time won’t make any difference.” It was a liberating thought.

Now I mostly don’t even waste energy feeling embarrassed. I figure we’re all a bunch of nuts, why should I be any different?

What about you? Do you think we humans take ourselves too seriously?

Thanks to Looney, Evan, Grannymar, bikehikebabe, Mike, Rummuser and Cathy for commenting on last week’s post.
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9 Responses to Laughing at Ourselves

  1. Evan says:

    Nope. Still working on this one – my tendency is still to be too heavy.

  2. bikehikebabe says:

    Yes, we take ourselves too seriously. That’s why we can laugh later, but not when it happens.

  3. Cathy in NZ says:

    I see it all the time, in my craft arena. People get all serious because there ‘work’ is not as well finished or put together as someone elses’ – they can always tell you exactly where it is wrong…even if it looks great!

    I nearly ask them a few questions including “are you entering a competition, judged exhibition or is it for a present?” Both will require a different standard of workmanship. If it’s a keeper, will you enjoy it even with your preceived faults.

    I remember for eons I produced for re-sale a nice patterned woven scarf – my pals all raved about it because they couldn’t figure out what the actual pattern was! I never told them, but I made a mistake in the threading up but because it turned out OK – I continued to production weave them until I chose to rethread the loom 🙂

    I usually spring cleaned my looms once a year…taking all the threadings out and finding another ‘pattern’ – more than likely a mistake threading for the coming years!
    .-= Cathy in NZ´s last blog ..summaries of enrolled courses 2010 =-.

  4. Jean says:

    I’m far from perfect at it but I try to see the humor as soon as possible. That’s why I taught those classes and led those groups…they reminded me to practice what I preached.

    What a neat story! Thank you.

  5. Rummuser says:

    Jean, it would appear that you are psychic! I have just posted about 34 questions in my blog which answers you and also incorporates the wonderful cartoon. In short, yes. I try not to and succeed most of the time.
    .-= Rummuser´s last blog ..34 Questions. =-.

  6. Jean says:

    I enjoyed your post. 🙂

  7. sarah says:

    Oh thank goodness for this post – having just embarrassed myself by being emotionally nuts in front of my neighbours finding this was very freeing.

  8. Jean says:

    I’m glad it helped.

    My post next Monday at Cheerful Monk is entitled We’re All a Bunch of Nuts. It’s on the same subject. I write these posts to keep reminding myself. 😉

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