Living Fully

One of my favorite stories is the Zen one of a man being chased by a tiger.

He came to a cliff and thought he would be killed until he saw a vine. He grabbed hold of it and swung himself over the edge of the cliff, safe from the tiger’s jaws.

But looking down he saw more hungry tigers on the ground below him. And even worse, a mouse above was gnawing through the base of the vine. At any moment he would fall to certain death. Then he noticed a wild strawberry growing on the cliff wall. Clutching the vine with one hand, he plucked the strawberry with the other and put it in his mouth.

His very last taste of food was delicious.

When I first heard this story I thought it clearly wasn’t an American one. We like happy endings. But since then I’ve read that the original story was modified for American audiences. In the original ending the strawberry was poisonous.

That’s a bit grim for even for those of us with a tragic view of life. 😉

On the other hand, I find the above version inspiring. Unlike a true positive thinker I believe there are circumstances that we’re powerless to change. But that doesn’t mean we can’t make the most of the life we still have left. What do you think?

Thanks to tikno, gaelikaa, Rummuser, suzen, Ursula and Cathy for commenting on last week’s post.
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15 Responses to Living Fully

  1. bikehikebabe says:

    It’s so easy to waddle in one’s own grief. “Oh woe is me.” (Don’t laugh Jean. I’m not Hamlet’s Ophelia.) “Why did this happen to me?” “Poor Baby me”.

    Be glad you Didn’t live in Port au Prince.

  2. Jean says:

    I agree!

    Ed Stein

  3. Ursula says:

    Since I am not good with heights: With or without tigers the very thought of dangling over an abyss is enough to make my stomach go a little off balance – unless I am in a plane or on top of the Eiffel Tower. Playing the reel of your story whilst reading I was expecting some inane – by the laws of physics and probability – Polyanna outcome. What I did NOT expect was your shocking yet perfect ending.

    What wonderful presence of mind the man had to pick himself that strawberry. The alternative version of it being ‘poisonous’ wouldn’t have added anything to the story, other than overkill.


  4. Jean says:

    I have trouble with heights even if I am at the top of a tall building. For some reason planes never bothered me…until getting on them became such a mess. I thought you would like the story. 🙂

  5. Looney says:

    Haven’t been eaten by a tiger, but did have some scary moments that I thought I wouldn’t live through. I probably would have ignored the strawberry and given thanks to God in my remaining moments for the good things He has given me.
    .-= Looney´s last blog .. =-.

  6. gaelikaa says:

    Live in the present and enjoy every moment. That’s the lesson. And you know…..he might have still escaped……
    .-= gaelikaa´s last blog ..Faith =-.

    • Jean says:

      “he might have still escaped……” If one is looking for a miracle I think Looney has the best idea, thank God for all the blessings we’ve already received rather than asking for still more. It’s no time to act like an ingrate.

  7. Cathy in NZ says:

    I like my feet firmly on the ground 🙂
    .-= Cathy in NZ´s last blog ..8am woken up my neighbour doing ??? =-.

  8. Jean says:

    So do I! I also like not having to worry about being eaten by a tiger. Just a couple more reasons to count our blessings. 😀

  9. Rummuser says:

    “I believe there are circumstances that we’re powerless to change. But that doesn’t mean we can’t make the most of the life we still have left. What do you think?”

    In total agreement. Nothing more nothing less, no ifs or buts or anything else.
    .-= Rummuser´s last blog ..Just Ask Leadership. Connections. =-.

    • Jean says:

      Yes! 🙂

      For years now my goal has been to avoid being eaten by a crocodile. Now I think I’ll add to avoid being eaten by a tiger and to stay away from cliffs. I’m afraid of heights too!

      What a neat story to tell at a wedding. I know of that ending too… I used this one to make sure people knew there would be no last-minute miracle.

  10. suzen says:

    Hi Jean! Great story – even if it was “changed”. I am so terrified of heights that I’m sure my involuntary peeing on the tigers may have had some affect on the outcome. 🙂

  11. Evan says:

    This story was a reading at my first wedding. But the last line we had was, “How sweet it tasted”.

  12. Danielle says:

    This is indeed a wonderful interpretation of what can happen to any one of us,…still finding the good in each moment of life, cause I personally believe that life was meant for us to seize each opportunity and enjoy it: to fill our heart with happiness and love as much as we can in each and every moment…Purpose of Life!!!Thank you for sharing your insight…
    .-= Danielle´s last blog ..Love Intention =-.

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