Not So Wise?


homo sapiens (Latin): knowing man or wise man

Which species do you think is the wisest? Cats or humans? 🙂

Thanks to bikehikebabe, Rummuser, Looney, desolare and Cathy for commenting on last week’s post.
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9 Responses to Not So Wise?

  1. bikehikebabe says:

    Humans of course. But cats do exactly what they want & we don’t. They never come when you call. They’re persnickety about their food, so we give them better food so they won’t starve. Then they never overeat.

    Cats can’t do math, but they make good judgments, which man doesn’t always do.

  2. Evan says:

    One species gets the other to nurture, feed and care for them. The answer is clear.
    .-= Evan´s last blog ..An Introvert’s Journey =-.

  3. Looney says:

    I am still struggling to figure out what wisdom is, so can’t comment.
    .-= Looney´s last blog .. =-.

  4. Jean says:

    i still think cats are “wise” because they get what they want without much effort. 🙂

  5. Rummuser says:

    I beg to disagree in one aspect, with Evan and you Jean! The vast majority of cats, outside the USA and the UK, have to scramble, forage or hunt to survive. They are rarely adopted into homes. My idea of a cat is an alley cat, even from the USA! The alley cat fights to survive, takes its pleasure where it can, always lands on its feet and could not care a fig for humans or any other creature. It is supposed to have nine lives too! It is still wiser than human beings who have only one each!

  6. suzen says:

    Hi Jean! Hmmm, well I am allergic to cats so I’m wondering. Then add to the wondering, just what do we call, in Latin, a wise Woman? 🙂

  7. Cathy in NZ says:

    aha – yesterday the lecturer decided we needed to have some idea on the size of various brains.

    these were plasticized brains so don’t get too worried!

    first a tiny rat brain
    2nd: a cat brain that had more brain than the rat
    3rd: a gorilla brain – more than a cat,
    4th: human brain – the best of the whole bunch

    every brain was bigger than the last…

    So the brain of the cat was minimal in relationship to the 2 bigger than its –

    oops don’t know where this leading…so I will get back to clearing my inbox, and then get some breakfast – my brain is not alive it seems this morning (waiting for a carrier and the food delivery people)
    .-= Cathy in NZ´s last blog ..lucky charm saviour =-.

  8. Jean says:

    We have too many homeless cats and dogs in the U.S. too. But not nearly as many as we had before humane societies started a campaign to spay/neuter them. That has greatly reduced the amount of suffering.

    I just Googled “Latin common words”. It says the Latin word for woman is mulier. It also says homo means human, not just man. The word for man is vir. Isn’t the internet great? 🙂

    That just goes to show IQ and the size of one’s brain is not directly correlated with a satisfactory life. As Daniel Goleman keeps pointing out when he talks about emotional intelligence. 🙂

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