How Do You Feel About Work?


I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours.
—Jerome K. Jerome

It’s no fun having nothing to do. What’s fun is having something to do and not doing it.
—Mark Twain

What about you? Do you like to work? Look at work? Enjoy not doing work? Would you like to be this carefree fellow in the hammock?

I wouldn’t. I’m more like the kid in the picture below…thoroughly involved in projects, making terrible messes, learning a lot and having a great time.

What about you?

Thanks to bikehikebabe, Evan, Rummuser, Looney, suzen and Cathy for commenting on last week’s post.
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12 Responses to How Do You Feel About Work?

  1. bikehikebabe says:

    I’m the boy with the paint like you, Jean. Give me work. When I’m too tired, because I overdid the day before, I can’t accept that & relax. I have the motivation but not the strength– like today.

  2. Evan says:

    It all depends on what the work is and who I’m doing it with
    .-= Evan´s last blog ..An Introvert’s Journey 4 =-.

  3. Looney says:

    I am always happy to work, especially if it is difficult, painful and messy. The only caveat is that I find it really annoying to do the work that I am obligated to do.
    .-= Looney´s last blog .. =-.

  4. Jean says:

    I’ve been dragging around with a cold the past couple of days…very rare for me. That means I haven’t gone to the gym since Friday and usually I go every other day. I decided it wouldn’t be the end of the world to play hooky and got some little things done at home instead.

    I agree with that. I’m lucky that right now there aren’t too many things I have to do that I don’t like. It’s almost time to tackle the income tax, but I can even get in the right frame of mind (mostly) for that because it’s such a small part of my life.

  5. Jean says:

    I’m like you…I value my autonomy and like to decide for myself what I’m going to do. Someone once said I had trouble with authority. “No, said I, authority has trouble with me.” 🙂 In fact I like to do things for people and can be very cooperative. I just don’t like being bossed.

  6. Looney says:

    Jean, your statement about ‘authority’ has described both of us!
    .-= Looney´s last blog .. =-.

  7. Cathy in NZ says:

    I mostly like ‘work’ but as Evan said ‘depends what/who/where/etc it’s for’

    Some of my work isn’t under a deadline. The work I do for the Yarn ‘shop’ is not on a timeframe…the members/clients understand my time is limited but they do look forward to new coloured yarns.

    Once a month I am under a deadline and so are the contributers. There deadline is the 23rd of each month. I have to get onto the construction of the newsletter within a few days of that date as the newsletter leaves here in a PDF format & emailed to a copy company. I don’t see it again until members are reading their hard copy at Guild. I only get to send the e-subscribers there one! It never really feels like work but if I ‘balls something up’ – I get the impression that it is somehow my fault! Mostly I get compliments because it’s unpaid.

    My other work is my study and doing the coursework for Uni. I treat it as much as possible as a Mon-Fri job but last week after the crash to the ground I had to do some Sunday work.

    I have just realised writing this that none of this work is ‘really paid’ – I sometimes get small amounts of money for the voluntary work. The Uni study work gets partial payment in a form of a grant that is paid to the fee-lender and I get a travel allowance/$
    .-= Cathy in NZ´s last blog ..lucky charm saviour =-.

  8. suzen says:

    Hi Jean! I’ve decided – for me – that the word “work” doesn’t work so well – it seems always associated with stuff I don’t like doing. I just consider everything I do “living” and it seems to work for me! 🙂

  9. Rummuser says:

    Work for me is having to do something that I would rather not. That leaves very little to whine about!
    .-= Rummuser´s last blog ..Hell. =-.

  10. Jean says:

    I don’t think we have to get paid to call it “work”. I’ve done a lot of volunteer work too. To me it’s work if one makes a commitment to do it. It’s even better when we enjoy it.

    As I wrote above, for me it can be work even if we enjoy it and even if we don’t get paid for it. But I agree, if the word turns you off don’t use it!

    Isn’t it great to be retired? 🙂

  11. tikno says:

    Indeed for the better result is if we love our work.

    Bu… apart from feeling like it or not, I keep thinking to work for my family, the future of my children. Fortunately I enjoyed my work now.

    By reading the two quotes above, I feel that the first quote is come from employee perspective and the second quote is come from businessman perspective.
    .-= tikno´s last blog ..What was in my mind regarding same-sex marriage =-.

  12. Jean says:

    I agree, it’s best if we love the work itself, but if that’s not possible it helps a lot if we’re doing it for something beyond ourselves, like our loved ones.

    I use the Mark Twain quote a lot. I’m retired and not a businessman. It’s fun to be able to choose when we do things. 🙂

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