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I don’t know about you, but I haven’t been having trouble like the fellow above. Mostly I tune out ads, but when I do notice it’s more like this gal:
Family Tree

What about you?

Thanks to Looney, Rummuser and Evan for commenting on last week’s post.
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11 Responses to Advertising

  1. bikehikebabe says:

    I think I like the ads. They’re colorful, clever & funny. I only get the 1st scene tho’ because we record our TV programs & Tom fast forwards to the program (which might not be as much fun as the commercial).

  2. Evan says:

    You can turn off the display of google ads. Blessings upon them!

  3. bikehikebabe says:

    I looked up google ads on google & nothing…
    Where are google ads?

  4. bikehikebabe says:

    Duh! I get it. Those are the ads that people put on google. Not ads advertising google. Right?

  5. bikehikebabe says:

    Here again. Sorry! I don’t like ads or commercials that aren’t videos, except for the commercials we hear on Old Time Radio from the 1940’s. Jello, Lux Flakes, War bonds, Johnson’s Wax etc.

  6. Jean says:

    I don’t watch much TV and the things I do watch I tape so I can fast forward through the commercials. But I still remember advertising jingles from years ago. My favorite knock knock joke is

    Knock, knock
    Who’s here?
    Tessy Good
    Tessy Good Who?
    Winston Tessy good like a cigarette should.

    And I also remember

    LSMFT. Lucky Strike means fine tobacco.

    There are others, not all about tobacco, that were catchy enough to stick.

    Pepsi Cola hits the spot
    Twelve full ounces, that’s a lot.

    Etc., etc., etc. 🙂

    I don’t seem to get ads when I’m searching using Google, but I do get them when I visit news websites. Mostly I tune them out but my husband thought I was looking at down sweaters at L.L.Bean the other night when I was just reading a news article. So tonight I went to some sites to see if I could find an example. I saw this ad at BBC News:

    Someone knows I’ve shopped at L.L.Bean recently!

  7. Cathy in NZ says:

    retailers here specialise in junk mail – and about now it will escalate as Christmas buying is just around the corner. Most of it comes in a ‘pack’ so obviously someone is being paid to deliver them together.

    many letter boxes sport signs saying “no junk mail” – here in NZ you have a letter box near your gate/driveway although you can get a post office box if you want.

    i actually like “junk mail” as I get ideas or I see something on sale that I need/want. Some of them are for dedicated stores whilst others will go into a booklet under something like “best buys” – we were talking about that recently and one person said they picked up a great combi cellphone/iPod deal with that type of junk mail!

    When the adverts at come on TV – I usually am diving to the kitchen or it is the time to look down at my craft work/book whatever. But there are some catchy ones around with cute animated cartoon characters doing things. I love the one with the toothbrushes in the bathroom having a conversation with another brand! There’s the one about the chain saw which is funny as well…but many people thought it was insenitive.

    I am not interested in owning a chainsaw and I’m not sure which toothbrush I am using 🙂

  8. bikehikebabe says:

    We didn’t get the chainsaw or the talking toothbrushes commercials here, but I’m starting to write whilst. I learned that from Brits & you.

  9. Jean says:

    We do get some catalogs that have good ideas. I do worry about the wastefulness of the ones we have no interest in, but they make it hard to get off their mailing list. Presumably they hope that someday we might change our minds. Occasionally they warn us that this will be the last catalog they’ll send unless we order something. That usually lifts our spirits. 🙂

    About TV ads…I like the funny ones too. They tend to get my attention. And anything will a dog in it is a sure winner. I’m a sucker for dogs.

    Your talk of talking toothbrushes got me to search. Is this the one?

  10. Cathy in NZ says:

    yep that’s about the same sort of scenario – somehow you just don’t see them as inanimate objects when they start talking.

    actually I have written a few short stories with talking objects over the years…where the human plays a very minor part, mostly listening and not interfering (?sp)

    the chainsaw one was about a old man dying and everyone gathered around his bedside…most sobbing. The old man pulls one of the brothers down close and whispers “look after your Ma for me” and then he dies. Everyone wants to know what the old man said and the lad says he said “you can have my chainsaw” – shock!

  11. Jean says:

    I actually saw that one. It may have been on the internet and someone was writing about it, so I searched. It wasn’t on the first page, but it was still there:

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