I’ve just added another item to my Things to Be Grateful For list: I’m so glad I don’t live in Iran. I’ve always felt that way about countries who treat women poorly, but this Time article, Enemies of Iran: Dogs and Their Owners, has grabbed my attention.
Apparently having dogs as pets has always been un-Islamic , but mostly Iranian authorities haven’t been enforcing the restriction. Now lawmakers are thinking of explicitly making the practice illegal. Why? Because dogs are thought to be dirty and dangerous and hence health hazards. And because dog ownership is becoming more popular and is a cultural threat. The practice is a “blind imitation of the vulgar culture of the West” and must be dealt with.
I agree that parts of our Western culture are vulgar, but I don’t agree that caring about dogs is one of them. What do you think?
You know, Jean: Sometimes I have had it up to here with the world. Good on you that you give thanks for small mercies (like not being a woman in Iran). I myself aspire higher.
Dogs. Sure, they are unhygienic. As are humans. The great unwashed. Remember not to sneeze. Don’t touch.
World is going crazy.
Why not keep a rat instead?
Or a pig? Contrary to their reputation they are clean.
Such a pity this is a public place: Can’t say what I’d like to. Someone might set the dogs on me.
Yes, pigs are clean, sensitive and intelligent. See Piggy Paradise at Best Friends. They do tend to grow bigger than some people would like, which is why Best Friends has over a dozen now.
A friend of mine had a rat once. It was a great pet. Kaitlin had several gerbils (one at a time, Frisky I, Frisky II and Frisky III) because they were allowed in our apartment even though cats and dogs weren’t. They do tend to be active at night, and they do tend to chew holes in things if they get out of their area. Outside of that they’re low maintenance.
crazy upside down world!
We have a saying in India – An idle barber will shave a cat. The Iranians would fit right into that saw. How absurd!
I agree!
It doesn’t bode well for multiculturalism, does it? It’s hard to reconcile some value differences.
Apparently England is having problems with some immigrants having different values. I read an article where the authorities were actually wondering if they should treat honor killings differently from regular murder. Once you go that route there’s bound to be anti-immigrant backlash. When I was a kid we talked about America being a melting pot, but I know a lot of people who think that’s the attitude of a narrow-minded person. I don’t agree.
I agree with you on this subject. Multi culturalism is all very well as long as the laws of the land are the same for everyone and the punishment for any infraction the same for every offender. Any difference to that norm, is vote bank politics.
I agree laws should be the same for everyone. I think the big worry about immigration in a lot of democracies is that there will be enough newcomers with different values to change the laws. Of course, in a lot of cases the newcomers, or at least the second generation, would like to assimilate but prejudice keeps them from doing so. It’s a mess.