They finally opened up the National Forest to hikers so Andy and Beate took a walk yesterday. It is sad to see our little cabin destroying the scenic view, but there’s not much we can do about it. Hopefully it won’t look so bad when we get a dark roof on it and eventually get some grass growing. We will just have to see.
How are things going with you?
Did those green trees escape the fire or are they a species that uses fire to grow.
In Australia (due to the firestick farming of our first peoples over tens of millenia) many of our tree species use fire as part of their life cycle.
Actually, if I were a hiker, I would envy the people who own the cabin!
I had a harrowing past ten days and finally arranged to hire a day nurse to look after my father. That has eased the pressure on me somewhat but I do have to intercede every now and then to calm things down.
Otherwise, life has been going on.
Those trees weren’t in the direct path of the fire. Low-intensity fires were normal until humans decided that all forest fires were bad. Now the forests are overgrown and when fires come they’re much more destructive. They’re now trying prescribed burns, etc. to lessen the fuel load, but that doesn’t always work. Our 2000 fire was started by a “controlled” burn that got away. We all had to evacuate down here and a lot of houses were destroyed. It’s hard when so many humans live in/right next to the forests.
That’s good that you have now hired a day nurse. Good luck!
We use controlled burning in Oz too. And it occasionally gets out of control here too.
I guess we could plant fire retardant species (not many natives in Oz are) or put up houses away from large trees. If we had reasonably sized settlements with a buffer zone before the trees there’d be few problems I guess.
I saw the blog title and then the photo… thinking you were photographing a new neighbor from your mountain sight! I’m curious… will you have a green roof to blend into the background? Either way, it’s so lovely.
Thanks for asking; I’m doing well. It has been very warm so I garden around 6 a.m.. Just me, the rooster, and occasionally a pair of rabbits. Life seems better when lived simply. :))
things have been interesting this past week – but in a good way just for a change 🙂
working through what I might do with my life, leisure/pleasure which had has led me along a very nice track. but until I have it more in place no point in getting everyone excited 🙂 🙂
One of the big problems here is people want to live in/next to the woods. It’s not as if we weren’t aware of the dangers.
Our roof will be a dark brown. We don’t particularly like the color, but I did a lot of research and this company was clearly the one to go with. They’re hoping to start putting it on this week, so we should soon know how it will look.
I hope it hasn’t been as hot where you are as it has been in the Midwest. Apparently that heat wave has finally broken.
I’m glad you have some promising options!