Do You Think They're Big Enough?

Kaitlin, Torben, Sammy and Montana are coming for a visit this week. (In the above picture Sammy is the larger golden dog, Montana the smaller black one.) In honor of the occasion I ordered some bones, around 17″ long.

Andy looked at them last night and said, “Don’t you think the bones might be too big for Montana? I reminded him that when we went to see them last year we gave them two bones, a big one like the one in the picture for Sammy and a smaller one for Montana. When we opened the package Montana grabbed the big bone and left the smaller one for Sammy. No, I don’t think she will have any problem with the size. 😀

Have you ever been amused/surprised by someone’s reaction to something you did?

Thanks to Mike, Ursula, Nick, Rummuser, Cathy, bikehikebabe and Kate for commenting on last week’s post.
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8 Responses to Do You Think They're Big Enough?

  1. Rummuser says:

    I am constantly amused/surprised by my father’s “Thank You”s. He can make that sound like he is obliging the person he is thanking, by thanking him/her.

  2. Jean says:

    I suppose an insincere thank you is better than being yelled at.

  3. Max Coutinho says:

    Hi Jean,

    First, cute dogs. To whom do they belong to?

    To answer your question: most of the times.


  4. Jean says:

    They either belong to Kaitlin and Torben, my daughter and son-in-law, or else K and T belong to them. 🙂

  5. Max Coutinho says:


    I hear you lol.


  6. Dixie says:

    Hi Cheerful Monk! My mind is blank for an example, though I’m sure there are plenty of moments; once I post, one will come to me(smile).
    Such beautiful animals deserve great bones. Lucky them they have you!! Enjoy your time together.

  7. Nick says:

    When Jenny was in England last year, I sent her a huge bunch of flowers because I thought she was still upset over something I said to her. She was most surprised (a) because I seldom give her flowers and (b) because she had stopped being upset days ago. I in turn was surprised by her surprise….

  8. Jean says:

    Thanks. We are having a great time.

    Those are nice surprises. 🙂

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