Done by Thanksgiving?

They’re working hard on the outside so they can finish it before it starts to freeze up there.


And Peter is finishing the venting in the equipment room so they can finish the chimney.

They claim the house will be all done by Thanksgiving at the latest. We’re wishing them luck!

What about you? Do you expect any changes in your life between now and Thanksgiving?

Thanks to Rummuser, Cathy and Dixie for commenting on last week’s post.
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6 Responses to Done by Thanksgiving?

  1. Dixie says:

    Winterizing my house has taken priority; upstairs is done and the basement is left.
    Finalize my divorce.
    Finish a commissioned portrait, and another of a landscape for customers.
    It’s the fall here so I’ll be trimming, cutting, and/or planting yard stuff.
    Alter some of the winter clothes that are too big. (smile)
    Thanks for asking.

  2. Rummuser says:

    Frankly, I am going through a phase of ennui. I just cannot work up the enthusiasm to bring about any change in my routine. I am sure that it will pass but, Ranjan points out that why rock the comfort zone if I am peaceful there?

    It may turn out that there will be some changes, but as I write this, I can’t think of any major ones, unless Ganesha decides to intervene!

  3. bikehikebabe says:

    Pretty much same ole’, same ole’. I like it that way. May change later if or when I can’t handle it all.

    House looks GREAT! Colors excellent & looks like an architect had a hand in this.

    I looked up Ganesha. It’s Hindi God of Success & has an elephant head.

  4. Evan says:

    Sort of – expecting some things will change – just not sure which things.

  5. Cathy in NZ says:

    Can’t quite remember when your Thanksgiving is – but I get the picture, before the real big snowy Christmas season hits.

    sure to be some changes here…but what, as Evan has said – not sure which things 🙂

  6. Jean says:


    You’ve been through a lot. Taking time to recuperate is a wise thing to do.

    The architect told us in the beginning we were on our own–he has no feeling for colors. We’ll see how it looks after they paint the cross pieces and columns bittersweet chocolate. It looks as if that will be sometime next week.

    That’s part of the adventure of life, right?

    Yes, our Thanksgiving is November 22 this year. Before the drought that was around the time we would be snowed out for the winter. We’re expecting another light snow year, but no sense taking any chances. Andy has a snow plow on the front of the truck, which is good for some situations, but our neighbor who did a lot of the heavy plowing has moved away because of the fire.

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