Training Batteries

The batteries for solar power systems are expensive and need to be charged properly for maximum lifetime. Andy, being the careful type, figured we should start small, buying just enough for our minimum needs. He calls them our “training batteries,” because he was sure he would do something wrong and would learn from his mistakes. So he’s been very careful, recording what he’s been doing, but something seemed strange. He told Greg, our installer, about it, and Greg looked into it. It turns out Andy wasn’t doing anything wrong, the company had given him the wrong specification sheets for the batteries.

Greg found out about the details by going online and finding other people who had the same problem. As one person wrote,

[The company representative] admitted … that this has caused a great deal of customer service issues….imagine that 😉

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4 Responses to Training Batteries

  1. Rummuser says:

    I can well imagine that. I had a similar experience with a microwave oven. It was gifted to us by someone who thought it odd that we did not have one at all. We installed it and I started to use it after reading the manual that came along with it but was unable to figure out somethings. On calling the service center for help a representative visited us and saw that the manual was for a different model and explained what was different between the manual’s instructions and how our model functioned. He also arranged for the correct manual to be sent to us. This happened almost fourteen years ago and that same oven is still serving us faithfully!

  2. Cathy in NZ says:

    The “net” so good for finding information and “customers” comments on why things don’t work! Love the review you have posted 🙂

    I have no manual for my new2me microwave and the friend who gave it said “it’s easy, you just do xyz” – well “xyz” wouldn’t work. I finally found a manual on-line and it is easy but you have know all the “steps” – for one part of the operation. The other thing, the manual doesn’t reveal is that the “door” needs to be at a certain angle before you can close it…maybe that is why the friend of the friend gave it away, maybe they thought it was “broke”

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