
There was a lot of excitement about the rain on the local news Sunday evening. Apparently so much came down in one place it left puddles all over town.

It reminded us of a newscast years ago about flooding. It showed one town where most of the population came out to see the creek about to overflow its banks. What excitement!

Yes, we do live in the dry Southwest. It’s quite a contrast to the Midwest. Last month Kaitlin sent this photo of their backyard.


When I showed it to Andy his first reaction was puzzlement. Why did she send it? Then he said, “Oh! They don’t have a pond, do they?” No, not unless it’s raining.

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3 Responses to Puddles

  1. Rummuser says:

    We finally had some rain and as I write this it is still raining. I had gone out and got a soaking too. The met says that the deficit so far is likely to be made up during the rest of the monsoon and all of us hope that the heavier fall will be in the catchment areas and not in the city. Chutki refuses to go into the garden because of the drops of water that fall on her either from the rain or the plants!

  2. tammyj says:

    i have loved these last two posts of sammy and montana!
    their back garden is beautiful. i like the stones. and how nice that it looks like a pond when it rains that much!
    and also glad to hear the monsoons finally there for rummy. life is good.
    and thank you again for the link about the whales. that is a wonderful site monk!

  3. bikehikebabe says:

    Yes. We’re always excited when we see a puddle, or better yet puddles.

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