Jawbone and Rain

Kaitlin told us about the Jawbone UP when she was here. The bracelet records your activity and sleep, then the information can be downloaded and processed through a smartphone or iPad app.

By tonight Andy will have tried it for a week, then I’ll try it. It’s fun to look at the graphs, but they don’t really correspond to what he does. For instance, here’s his sleep graph for Monday evening:


It says he slept very well. That wasn’t his experience. He said it was raining and he kept thinking of the road, so he didn’t sleep well at all.

As it turns out, he needn’t have worried, Monday night at least. We had 1.2 inches of rain up on the land, and Beate had 3/4 of an inch, but she said it came down slowly and steadily. The road looked just fine. On the other hand, we had another rain down here last night, part of it a downpour, so who knows?

After today the rain is supposed to start petering out, which we don’t want either — picky, picky, picky! We don’t want heavy downpours, but we do want enough moisture to help the plants grow. Somehow they didn’t ask us, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

We hope your weather is to your liking. 🙂


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14 Responses to Jawbone and Rain

  1. Mike says:

    I can understand how Andy would worry when it’s raining, given the recent history of the road. So far as our weather, it’s a wonderful 60°F at 5:50 AM and may drop lower before the sun comes up, with remarkably low humidity. This kind of weather is extremely rare for July in Arkansas. High probability of storms tomorrow, though.

  2. Rummuser says:

    I sleep so well that I have not had to worry about it ever!

    Rain and plenty of it since the last two days. I went to Mumbai and returned today and throughout the journey and while in Mumbai also, it just rained and rained and rained. Great news from the Met too. The deficit rainfall this season is likely to be made good with the monsoon strengthening.

  3. Alan G says:

    The bracelet monitor sounds quite interesting. Would love to try it and see how it records my sleep behavior. Unless you can download it to a computer however, I would be up the proverbial creek since I don’t use those other gadgets… 🙂

  4. bikehikebabe says:

    OMG! That bracelet is enough to keep anyone awake. ” I’ve GOT to go to sleep. My bracelet is monitoring me.”

    • Jean says:

      You could take it off, of course. I’m more curious to see what it says. I really slept well last night, but my bed was all torn up when I woke up. Will that count as deep sleep?

  5. nick says:

    What I’d like is something that records my dreams and plays them back to me when I’m awake. I never remember more than a tiny percentage of my dreams. Mind you, since most of them involve anxiety about something, perhaps I’m better off forgetting them.

    • bikehikebabe says:

      If you have a recurring dream, probably several times, the anxiety should be looked into in case it’s the big C- CANCER.
      Now I’ve added another anxiety. 🙂

    • Jean says:

      If the dreams involve anxiety, my guess is you’re better off forgetting them!

      I wouldn’t think they have anything to do with the big C.

    • bikehikebabe says:

      Yes, a recurring dream can warn you of cancer. It’s caused by a fear that you already have.

  6. cathy in NZ says:

    I have seen lots of adverts for those bands, but I too couldn’t access the data because I don’t have that type of ‘phone’ – I think though over time you could access quite a lot about your habits – awake or asleep. I thought they were mostly to be used as a “keep fit” tool

    Back to decent fine and sunny when the sun gets underway but have been some chilly starts even this far up the country… apparently more bad rain is forecast – time will tell.

    • Jean says:

      Yes, they’re supposed to be motivational. I do seem to be doing more of movements that it counts. Unfortunately using my NordicTrack treadmill for an hour doesn’t get me many steps, so the device isn’t perfect. Still….

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