The World in Pieces

It looks like the poor old world is in for a wild ride.


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13 Responses to The World in Pieces

  1. Ursula says:

    Pieces? Shards.

    Yes, Jean, our good old world. In for another bronco ride. Question is: Who is bucking? And who will remain (on top)?


  2. Rummuser says:

    I for one think that the Islamic world going to pieces is a good thing. Its artificial divisions to suit the West’s ideas post WWII was illogical and it going back to its Tribal ways with Warlords looking after their own patches will be a good thing for Muslims and for the world in general. The problem is that then, the despots so far under the protection of the West will have to pack up and go seek refuge in the West.

  3. Mike says:

    Interesting times 🙁

  4. bikehikebabe says:

    The world has always been a mess even back to the beginning of civilization. And it’s been a mess ever since then. Look at history.

  5. KB says:

    Yup… so very true.

  6. Rummuser says:

    If Quida does, the Muslims in India who are a minority will pay a very, I stress, very heavy price.

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