Solar Heating Panels in Action


The solar heating panels work great when the sun comes out. After a series of cloudy days Andy had to build a fire (for a total of four this season) to heat the house. But the past four days have been sunny, so the temperature inside the house got up to 80°F yesterday and Andy had to open a window to cool the place off.

He’s continuing to work on the controllers to automatically regulate the heat.


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11 Responses to Solar Heating Panels in Action

  1. Rummuser says:

    Sorry about that CM. I wanted to insert a thumbs up sign! That is great news indeed.

  2. tammy j says:

    it looks like a little factory!
    a very dear little factory.

  3. KB says:

    That’s great!

  4. Linda P. says:

    Love hearing about your successes in living this way! We started first with a geothermal HVAC system, radiant barrier, and some other changes to cut down our electrical needs and had our estimate for solar panels. However, our retirement funds began looking different than we had thought, and I was hit with an autoimmune illness. We’re considering a move now that I can no longer garden effectively and our extensive organic gardens are hard to maintain. We’re holding off.

    • Jean says:

      I’m so sorry that you had to change your plans. It must be heartbreaking to have to give up gardening.

      Andy has never claimed his projects are cost-effective, but he’s almost 80 years old and they keep him mentally young. Plus the fact he’s getting less and less thrilled about chopping wood for the wood stove.

      He goes up there every day, but we live in an apartment down here in town. There is no telephone reception up there and no internet. I like being connected to the world.

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