Smokey Haze

The skies have been hazy with smoke lately —not from wildfires here in New Mexico, but from the fires in California and the Northwest.

August 23, 2015

August 23, 2015

As you can see from the following two pictures, the mountains have disappeared.

August 23, 2015

August 23, 2015

December, 2011

December, 2011

The fires and haze are sad, but we do like the renewed vegetation!


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8 Responses to Smokey Haze

  1. Rummuser says:

    Something seriously is wrong with our climate. Unusual things are happening all over the place. Here is a weird one that popped up this morning.

  2. tammy j says:

    those devastating fires. every year. somewhere. so sad.
    like rummy says…
    many changes now.
    our own climate here has changed. the last few years we’ve only had about two seasons. summer and winter. odd.
    i’m holding out hope that this year will be different.

  3. Cindi says:

    The mountains…just gone.
    I’m scared to read Rummy’s link.
    I’m frightened enough already.

  4. Mike says:

    We saw similar haze and smoke from western fires when we lived in Idaho back in the 70s and then, again, we we traveled west and north on a 4 week vacation that took us well up into Alberta and then back home via Montana and Wyoming. Same thing in 2007 when we traveled west. That year was so bad that we delayed our departure until the end of August in the hopes of avoiding fires and the worst of the smoke. The smoke and haze was only a problem on and off for about the first ten days.

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