A Leap of Faith

Have you ever done something that you were initially afraid to do, then found out you loved it?


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10 Responses to A Leap of Faith

  1. Ursula says:

    Good question, Jean. Never thought about it before. Truthful answer? I don’t know. Nothing particular comes to mind. Maybe it’s my nature/fate to take frequent leaps of faith so I don’t consider those leaps anything in particular.

    Of course, your question hangs around the premise of “initially afraid to do”. I am not being precious here but I don’t think I have ever been much afraid of anything in my life. Other than, obviously, the dark as a young child – but then my grandparents and my mother would leave the bedroom door ajar so their was always a glimpse of light for me. I can honestly say, and I think we have talked about this before, that the only things I will never ever take a leap of faith for is anything that puts my (and others’) physical safety unnecessarily at risk. If I had to jump out of a plane in an emergency – fine. Voluntarily? No thanks. My life is full enough of adrenaline without waiting for parachutes to open.


    • Jean says:

      It sounds as if you’re naturally less fearful than I was /am. At this stage of my life it’s not so much about taking risks, it’s more how to handle worrisome situations that come up. Should I try to distract myself and not think about it or face up to the fear and gather as much information as I can? Once I start gathering information I get curious and a lot of the tension goes away.

    • Jean says:

      I wasn’t fearful of that at all. We each made a commitment that it would be for life, and I figured it would be a great adventure.

  2. nick says:

    Not recently, but I guess when I was a kid it happened quite a lot. Like when I first learnt to swim or ride a bicycle or drive a car. Nowadays if there are things I’m afraid of I don’t even try them, I stay well away. Like prohibited drugs or rock-climbing or going up long ladders.

  3. Cindi says:

    Um….. No.
    Well maybe there’s something but for the life of me I can’t think of it.
    I’ll have dwell on it and get back to you.
    But one thing is for sure, it’s not because I’m fearless like Ursula.
    Nope it’s because I’m fearful and I imagine every little detail that could possibly go wrong.
    I’m still working on that, trying to take a leap of faith without being stupid and reckless.

  4. Cathy in NZ says:

    my thoughts and “leap of faith” stem from someone saying “that isn’t a good idea, what if….” – so when I wanted to mow my own lawn. comments ranged through on that:

    “are you sure, isn’t it easier to employ some one else?” “you won’t be able to pull the cord” [reply I’ll get an electric one], “did you know it’s easy to run over the el. cable?” [I’m not you!]….I managed very well, and probably still can but when I broke my arm, neighbour has been doing it and wants to continue! For his own extra exercise.

    taking a leap at University and studying some strange subjects “according to every one else” – most of which I found interesting and satisfying…

    now my own leap of faith with my hands, is causing the well meaning experts to tell me all kinds of things – none of which realise to do what they say “might be a little impossible in the regular world of things”…time will tell.

    • Jean says:

      Good for you! It seems your greatest assets/resources are your resilience and creativity. If what you’re trying to do doesn’t work you try something else. As I’ve said, I admire you so much.

      That said, good luck with your hands!

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