Dogs vs Soccer

Apparently it’s not unusual for dogs to interrupt soccer games.

This pup took a lot longer to catch, but the crowd didn’t seem to mind.

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16 Responses to Dogs vs Soccer

  1. Cindi says:

    I just watched that dog run on the field for a lot longer than I’ve ever watched an actual game!

  2. Rummuser says:

    I have seen this happen in cricket and it is always amusing.

  3. tammy j says:

    how SWEET!
    that dog could do that all day. he just wanted to play.
    can’t believe nobody thought of giving one of the players a hot dog to coax him off.
    maybe they don’t sell food at games there.
    but then… he might show up at every game thinking he’d get a hot dog! LOL

  4. Linda Sand says:

    Apparently no one there knew the way to catch a dog is to run FROM it and let it catch you. The guy with the red cloth had to right idea but he stopped too soon.

  5. One of my own dogs did that years ago — No one seemed to mind and no one helped me. But I was running after him, and can I just say how terribly embarrassed I was? Not to mention how I know I looked… 🙂

  6. Cathy in NZ says:

    never seen any animal on a feild here

    • Jean says:

      I haven’t seen any either. But a lot of our sports are in stadiums, so it would be hard for dogs to get in.

  7. Kaitlin says:

    This was so fun to watch! Dogs are just hilarious. Were you the person who shared the clip about the dog who ran a local race?

    I have seen squirrels and rabbits interrupt games but not a dog.

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