Koko is cute in this cartoon, but most dogs would be enjoying the ride instead of trying to make other dogs jealous. Humans, on the other hand….
May 26, 2016
Koko is cute in this cartoon, but most dogs would be enjoying the ride instead of trying to make other dogs jealous. Humans, on the other hand….
out of the mouths of babes
Here are two classic examples of using cartoons as medium to drive home some home truths about human beings,
They express it succinctly and powerfully.
I read a quote once (you know how I love quotes!) that was about how comparison is the thief of happiness.
I think a lot of us get caught up in it.
I know I have.
But then I remember that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
And I stop and count my blessings.
That’s why pets can be such good role models for us.
I love quotes too!
Made me what’s behind those well-known words: the poor ye shall always have with you. …so render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s…
Sounds a bit like a political party’s platform.
Yes, the phrase is good propaganda.
I pretty much stopped being envious when a friend once commented that I was comparing how I feel with how they look like they feel. Knowing how good I am at looking other than how I feel that made sense to me. Maybe they aren’t as happy/successful/motivated as they look?
When I feel something is lacking in my life I ask myself, “What do you want, and how can I give it to you?” It does mean looking deeply at what we want so we’re not stuck. One has to be creative. 🙂
Most of us adults, older and younger, are all caught up in the comparison trap. Sure does take the pleasure out of the moment. I love the way the dogs and kids taught us about this.
Like anything else, staying out the trap takes commitment and practice.