Brain Gobblers

After reading this article, I wonder if the idea of brain gobblers is that farfetched.


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8 Responses to Brain Gobblers

  1. Cathy in NZ says:

    I think my brain is not being gobbled rather the information streaming into it makes … “s*o*m*e*t*h*i*n*g” doesn’t sound “right” at all,

    time your new president to get behind his desk with his advisors and stop all this connectivity madness…and get on with running his country, and looking after his citizens.

    he isn’t going to be able to stop the media, they will continue to be next to his heel and in front of his voice…as they are the world over – that is what he forget the connectivity of the world’s press…

    • Jean says:

      Apparently is his trying to get a lot done and even had a reception for Congressmen today to try to get them on board to enact the changes he wants. But he’s still arguing he had a great crowd at his inauguration and that he would have won the popular vote too if so many immigrants hadn’t voted illegally. Apparently he wants to make his election seem more of a mandate, giving him more power.

  2. tammy j says:

    I cannot believe that supposedly intelligent people are gathered around in panels and at podiums comparing the size of their pee pees on a playground.
    there are SO MANY other important things he should and could be addressing. and for that matter… important things the PRESS should be covering other than arguing with him.
    he and the press will be playing this game the entire 4 years.
    it’s already enough to gag a horse.
    apparently it’s just a new reality show disguised as news.

  3. nick says:

    Certainly a lot of brains seem to have been furtively gobbled. Starting with the so-called leader of the free world. Who will no doubt claim in due course that his IQ has been measured and is 263.

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