Some of you have probably already heard of this, but it’s worth a post.
A doctor was dragged off a United Airlines flight attempting to fly from Chicago to Louisville on Sunday.
Passenger Audra Bridges captured the incident and shared a video on Facebook.
“United airlines overbooked the flight,” Bridges wrote. “They randomly selected people to kick off so their standby crew could have a seat. This man is a doctor and has to be at the hospital in the morning.”
—Man dragged off United Airlines flight because plane was overbooked
Not good PR for United Airlines.
April 11, 2017
Not good at all. We had a recent fracas with a Member of Parliament getting black listed for misbehaving with the staff of an airline and the public going berserk on his behaviour. It certainly made him the most unpopular politician for a while here.
In that case he was misbehaving. In this case the poor guy was on the plane and needed to get home.
I saw this on last night’s news, and was horrified. Anyone with an ounce of sense could see that the man had a compelling and urgent reason to stay on that flight and get to his destination. Was there a communication problem? Couldn’t he get his message across? Whatever happened, it was a disturbing episode, and the airline should have their pants sued off.
They now realize they turned it into a PR nightmare for themselves. There’s a good chance they will be hurt financially because of it. Which is the best incentive to not do it again.
this is disturbing on so many levels.
it’s not just this one incident. but on a plane over such a minor thing?
this is only proof of a systemic change in our entire country now.
it’s been building for a long time.
scary. sad. and heading for what?
Plane travel is grim nowadays. Andy has refused to fly for years now, and they more I hear the more I agree.
Because getting their flight staff to work was more important than the doctor getting to his?!!! This is wrong on so many counts!
Reminds me of the time Delta made us pick up our own bag lunches as we boarded. We didn’t have enough hands. So Dave hauled both our carry-ons while I carried both lunches and my cane. They wouldn’t let Dave board with both bags. My medicine was in one and his in another but they made him gate check one anyway. Wrong! The passengers should not pay for staff having a bad day.
It’s getting worse and worse. 🙁
it’s still rife on talk back radio here – and people asked if they have ever had this problem with flying…
not really listening, just a back ground noise…
raining again, humid as well, apparently N/L mess is still out but I’ve not heard if it’s a bigger mess 🙂
I’m glad the rain isn’t making everything worse. Good luck!
Cyclone Cook is on it’s way – along with I think they said regular rain – which is what we’ve had for a lot of today…the mess down at the Village suffered yet again!
It’s mid evening here, now, and it’s quiet as a church mouse (although it’s dark) so maybe this little house will deflect whatever is expected…
Again, good luck, Cathy!