A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness.
Einstein once wrote this (in German) on hotel stationery and gave it as a tip to a messenger. The note still exists and has just sold for $1,560,000.
This was after Einstein had become world famous. I wonder if he also thought fame, being constantly in the public’s eye, was a burden.
October 27, 2017
I’m finally realizing this.
I’m letting go of things and scaling back at work.
I just want to enjoy the moments as they happen,
enjoy the little simple things
And not worry about everything else.
And hopefully the rest will just fall into place.
Good for you!
That just sounds logical …
A lot of people never understand it. We’re lucky when we do.
I think I’ve acquired it as well… and I’m enjoying the notion that it’s all about happiness (95% of the time) for me. That if I try to let “flow” just be here with me, the 5% will soon disappear…or maybe I need that 5% for balance
I’ve been thinking about flow a lot the past few days, mainly about how to get/keep in the flow state when problems come up that I don’t want to deal with. The main thing for me is not to fight it. Stay relaxed and curious. That keeps my subconscious/creative mind the right conditions for asking the right questions and coming up with ideas. With MailChimp I found a few ways to proceed and took the simplest one. I still needed to learn some new things, but I wanted to learn them. I ended up happy the whole thing came up.
I had my “flow” on earlier, I looked out and thought “it looks like rain is coming” so I dashed about and took in washing – some on actual clothesline, some on my drying rack.
Whilst I was at the rack, I noted that they had a huge mattress on their porch, so I casually said to K “it looks like rain coming…”
Of course, it didn’t (not then) the blasted sun came out again…well 2 hours later and down it comes – I’m not sure how fast K was with the matttress – I think he may have just got it in. Because the next minute there was light hail!
I am really hoping for dry and no wind – tomorrow (mon) to get my spray paints out…/outdoors.
Good luck on getting some painting weather!
In the Advaitin system, one’s true nature is happiness. People cover this up with craving due to ignorance (unwisdom) and the human endeavour is to remove the ignorance and to reach our true nature.
That’s the way I look at it too. Hurray for lifelong learning!
And commitment and practice.
It’s amazing the way things just work out if you step out of the way. I’ve experienced this again and again, yet when in the middle of an issue, I find it so difficult to do. So much wisdom in these comments, people!
As usual, commitment and practice. Not surprisingly, it does get easier and easier.
i love the thoughts.
ordinary. calm. modest. happy.
and i add contentment.
i am content in all things in my life except one.
the climate where i live. but i continue to work on my attitude.
very gradually i am coming around to accepting what just IS.
what is the point of fighting it? to go with that flow is better.
and healthier for me in the long run!
i wonder what Einstein would say about his little note bringing
over a million and a half dollars!
I was wondering that too!