Thank Goodness for AC!

Kaitlin, Torben and the pups visited Torben’s folks in Michigan this weekend. It was about 87 degrees and they didn’t have the air conditioner on, so Sammy struggled with the heat. Thank goodness the ride home was air conditioned! Notice that even though the temperature was set for 66 in the car, he was still panting. His heavy coat and sensitivity to heat are real problems.

I can sympathize. I have trouble when it starts to get even a bit warm, and I don’t have to wear a fur coat. Andy and Kaitlin have more problems with cold. What about you? Is your preferred temperature range in sync with the people you live/interact with?

Update: When they got home Kaitlin put Sammy’s bed next to the air conditioning vent for him. Tempi likes air conditioning too.


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10 Responses to Thank Goodness for AC!

  1. AC is not big on my list of needs/wants. I’m usually too cold! We have had an unseasonably cold, windy spring…bring on the heat!

  2. nick says:

    My preferred temperature range is a bit different from Jenny’s. She feels the cold more quickly than me, puts the central heating on and in half an hour I’m roasting! But she’s taken to wearing extra layers of clothing so she can delay putting the heating on.

    At the moment though it’s very warm here so we’re both happy!

    • Jean says:

      Andy and I used to be in sync, but now he often wears the down sweater I bought him. It’s lightweight and helps a lot.

  3. tammy j says:

    I would always rather have the air I breathe COOLER!
    and my heart doesn’t act up so much when it’s cool.
    I can’t imagine anything worse than being in a fur coat unable to take it off and no cool air to breathe! just shoot me now!

    • Jean says:

      My heart goes out to Sammy, too. He’s designed for cooler climes. At least we have some control over air conditioning.

  4. .Rummuser says:

    Chutki sends her regards and wishes to convey her message that she too is most comfortable in her parent’s office room or bedroom one of which is air conditioned always. She rarely wants to shift to a non a/c room during the heat wave that she is experiencing for the first time ever.

  5. Mike Goad says:

    We prefer cooler and sometimes “flee” to cooler areas when it’s getting warm in Arkansas. That didn’t work so well this time. We saw 99 degrees in northwest Illinois Sunday and mid 90s here in Wisconsin yesterday and today. It was supposed to be in the 70s in Green Bay where we made a trip to visit Karen’s aunt — she was admitted to hospice last week, so we made a surprise visit to see her — but the forecast was wrong and it made it to 95.

    An uncle Karen had not seen since the 60s was there. He lives in Santa Fe and was apparently stationed in Los Alamos with the Navy in the 50s or 60s — apparently something to do with logistics for weapons that were tested in the Pacific if I understand what he was saying. He ended up going into journalism and was a news editor for the AP in Seattle, moving to Santa Fe after he retired in 2000.

  6. well I’m a bit of a cold frog and now (this winter) I’m determined that my little pad will be warm. So I’ve jerry rigged up which of my 2 portable oil heaters are in which space. I can close off the bed/bathroom area from the living/kitch/other area. Which is handy…I turn them down a notch if I feel that I should be naked 🙂 but know I haven’t got that hot yet…

    putting on/off sweaters is fine, but because of the Reynards syndrome, I like to keep my hands warm – because it’s not easy to do many things with thick gloves on…

    last Monday morning, I put on the washer and when it was time to put the washing on my rack (later on line) outdoors, I forgot entirely something! I opened the door to put the rack out front and I said “wow, you will need a few more layers on to get everything out here and around the back…” that is how nice and warm I had got the rooms indoors!!!!

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