Not on the Couch

They taught Tempi, The Princess, not to sit on the couch too.


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12 Responses to Not on the Couch

  1. nick says:

    “Well, there’s a much better view from up here….”

  2. Cathy says:

    Did they ??????

    • Jean says:

      Yes, Tempi does not sit on the couch up on the land. When told to get off she did, then she jumped up on the table and sat there.

  3. I have to agree with Nick. Much better view.
    Coffee is on

  4. I remember this post, and the picture of Tempi, sitting there as if she had every right to do so. Cute, and funny!

  5. tammy j says:

    I love her! XOXO

  6. .Rummuser says:

    It did not take too long to teach Chutki not to get on to my bed. She has access to all other furniture at home.

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