Some People

Some people see the glass as half full,
Others see it as half empty.
And some of us just take the glass and drink.


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8 Responses to Some People

  1. tammy j says:

    LOL. see the line take the line.
    or name your own poison.
    or simply get on with it! 😀
    or…we could sit here arguing all day as to which type we are.
    are we too cautious? are we too naïve? couldn’t we just ARE? LOL!
    I like your take on it!

    • Jean says:

      I wish I could take credit for the idea, but it’s just my version of an idea I just read and loved.

      Life is what it is, what do we choose to do about it? That doesn’t mean we can’t take action, but I can’t see any sense wasting energy ranting about it. (Trump and the Republicans wouldn’t agree, because ranting and playing the victim seems to be working, but fortunately I’m not running for office. LOL!)

  2. Cindi says:

    OK, I know this is really about being either optimistic or pessimistic or just not even thinking about it and getting on with it but….
    I’m apparently a pessimist.
    Example being, I hate it when they just pour a small amount of wine into my glass. Fill er up!
    And I’d never grab a half empty glass and drink it!
    What if someone had drank from it before me?!
    I’m a germaphobe! Gross.

    • Jean says:

      😀 How big are the wine glasses? I haven’t drunk in years, but I used to have wine glasses, and they were much smaller than the ones today. So I looked it up, and the bigger glasses aren’t meant to be filled to the top:

      Fill red wine glasses one-third full, white wine glasses one-half full and sparkling wines, like champagne, about three-quarters full. Filling a red wine glass only one-third full allows you to give it a good swirl.

      Who would have guessed?

  3. agree with tammy and others – trying to unravel a personality is never be based on one ideal IMHO

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