No Grudges Here

Ramana’s and Shackman’s recent posts on grudges reminds me of this cartoon. Koko doesn’t waste his time on grudges, he just moves on.


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10 Responses to No Grudges Here

  1. definitely a good move…and one that we should all consider, quietly with no fuss; not even words formed

  2. nick says:

    I don’t harbour grudges at all. If someone treats me badly, I just respond in the most suitable way and move on. Nursing a permanent grudge, with all the bitterness and sourness that involves, is entirely self-destructive. And a huge waste of energy.

  3. Diane Dahli says:

    Koko is wise beyond words. We should all adopt his attitude!

  4. Linda Sand says:

    Hanging onto a grudge gives them power over you. Why would you want to do that?

    • Jean says:

      I couldn’t agree more. For about ten years I taught classes in emotional aikido, dealing with difficult people, stress management, etc. One of the main points was if you are focusing your energy on what other people shouldn’t be doing, you are throwing away your personal power.

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