
The pups made their feelings clear when Hu-Dad told them there would be no evening walk because of the rain.

Just because people understand you doesn’t mean they will do what you want.


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10 Responses to Communication

  1. tammy j says:

    LOL!!! and a paw on your knee when you’re in your sleepy pants. 😀
    the little pink tongue showing doesn’t hurt either!

    • Jean says:

      Yes, they communicate wonders with paws. Apparently Tempi will reach out her paw to touch Kaitlin’s hand when a situation gets a bit stressful. Kaitlin doesn’t know if Tempi does it to reassure herself or Kaitlin, but it’s sweet. Here she’s doing it when they’re taking Zoe home for the first time.

  2. Cindi says:

    Adorable and hilarious too.

  3. that loving look and thought…

  4. The OP Pack says:

    BOL – somehow or other we bet the Hu-Dad made that up to the pups – we Sibes have a way of getting our way:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

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