We’ve had several days of misty, moisty weather, with occasional gentle rains. I love it! This kind of weather seems cozy and friendly to me, maybe partly because of the nursery rhyme:
One misty moisty morning when cloudy was the weather
I met with an old man a-clothed all in leather
He was clothed all in leather with a cap beneath his chin
Singing how do you do and how do you do and how do you do again
So, how do you do? Are you enjoying your weather too?
October 25, 2018
yesterday the weather was predicted as “rain will arrive early arvo” – a short sort of rain dashed by late morning, there was clouds then it was sunny. Today was predicted to be raining real hard – it’s quite sunny this morning but not clear blue skies and weather guru says “sunny” – now predicting tomorrow “raining”
we had some glorious days last week, twice I was out and I was very hot, stripped off a layer…
hoping they have tomorrow’s weather wrong, as I’m having a number of oddments taken away to an op-shop including all the bean bags…
It’s not as much fun if you have to go out in it. Especially if they don’t warn you ahead of time!
We have had a misty, moisty day here too. Mom isn’t so fond of these kind of days because she says they make for moisty, muddy paws:)
Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber
I can understand why! The amazing thing is you all always look so clean!
Cool and cloudy all day Tuesday with periods of rain from Alamogordo to Tucumcari. Wednesday was over 300 miles of all rain with brief periods of just mist from Tucumcari to El Reno, Oklahoma, but from there to home yesterday was just cloudy with only a bit of rain. Because of the potential for rain in Texas, we headed home a few days early, getting back here nearly 8 weeks after we headed out.
It appears that there was plenty of rain here while we were gone. I’m ready for dry, though, so that we can get some outside stuff done before winter arrives.
Fingers crossed for you, since you already had plenty of rain on your trip! I hope you had a good time.
Kaitlin and Torben are here for the weekend and it’s supposed to be sunny. I hope so for their sake.
I should have said, I hope you managed to have a good time in spite of the rain!
Actually, most of the September/October trip out west was rain free, unlike the June trip to Wisconsin and Minnesota.
We enjoyed most of our trip, though Karen was more ready to be back home than I was.
Absolutely, clear skies, cool mountain breeze and low humidity makes for very comfortable living.
Sounds great too!