The internet was down here all Wednesday night and most of yesterday. Then it came back late in the afternoon but went down again when I was trying to answer Diane’s comment about reflection and setting goals. I was going to say I don’t set New Year’s resolutions anymore, I just try to continue what I’m doing — life throws enough challenges at me now, I don’t need to add more.
Sure enough. This morning (the internet was working again) I received a fraud alert from our credit card company saying our credit card was declined when Andy bought gas this morning. I was puzzled but said we had authorized the purchase and thought the matter was settled. No. I just now received another urgent message saying I needed to contact them.
OK. It turns out they had frozen the card last night when I phoned them. I was trying to buy a VPN:
What Is a VPN, and Why Would I Need One? A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, allows you to create a secure connection to another network over the Internet. VPNs can be used to access region-restricted websites, shield your browsing activity from prying eyes on public Wi-Fi, and more.
I had done a bit of research before and decided it would be a handy thing to have if the internet went down again and I wanted to use my iPad or laptop at a local hot spot. I chatted with a recommended company first and decided I would try it. Unfortunately when I tried to buy they said my information needed to be verified, phone the number they gave me. The number was my credit card company and I knew I had put the information in correctly so told the gal I would try PayPal instead. I did — the site couldn’t connect to PayPal and eventually said they were sorry, but the company handling sales was having problems, try again later.
OK. I went to my blog to answer comments and the internet went down. OK, time to go to bed! Try again tomorrow.
The credit card company put a hold on our card because of the call. It all makes sense, and I’m glad they’re cautious, but life is seldom simple.
No, I do not need to make new goals. Just patience and persistence, commitment and practice, be flexible and keep my sense of humor. That’s about all I can handle! Wish me luck!
Update: Andy just got home, and his day dealing with snow up there was even more eventful. His shoes were soaking wet because he had to walk the last half-mile stretch up to the land (to get the plow) in snow way over his boots. He says he’s not getting any younger — he had to stop to rest a couple of times. He is in good spirits.
December 28, 2018
around here we call what you two have as ‘the pioneer spirit.’
nothing got them down. they simply did whatever they had to do!
even if it dealt with Wifi and phone calls and system glitches and irritating outages!
so glad it all worked out.
simplicity it’s not! but when was life ever truly simple? LOL!
as you always say… it’s good practice.
Yes, opportunity abounds! My motto for the year. Life may not be simple, but the motto is. 😀
We wish you luck, AND a happy and healthy New Year!!! Mom says credit card companies can really try one’s patience some times, but then too there are those times when we must be happy they catch the things they do.
Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber
I was actually pleased with the company, now that I know why the alert was triggered. Hopefully I will have more sense than to do that again!
certainly no need to set forth anywhere etc…and I think I too will just “play it by ear” for the time being.
Life certainly mucked up my day here…I was up at usual time, I wasn’t in a fast mode but I managed a full load of washing; put it outdoors; I made a loaf of bread (a bread that when OTT but is edibile); unpacked the rest of the bags…THEN bingo mid arvo fell asleep/soundly I might add for a couple of hours…
It sounds as if you needed the rest! I’m a great believer in naps when I need one.
I realised last night, before I drifted away (full nights’ sleep as well) that last year I made regular reflections for my art program…and I really don’t need to consider another for now…
Maybe later, I will consider what for 2019, even though it’s only a few days away…
What I did realise that a number of contacts have a big dose of “sour grapes” over this last trip…but what they don’t know (or don’t realise) is I’ve been away 5 times (2018) unusual …and also what they don’t know I could repeat all and still have money left in my accounts 🙂
I hadn’t really thought I could bugger off for Xmas, something I had been saying for years…somehow it just happened. I’m glad I did. AND somehow I’m glad of the “sour grapes” falling my way, because I went to my online bank acct and searched back on payments…and I sit here smiling 🙂
As I said before, I am SO glad you did it! Not just for the trip itself but to make a statement, standing up for yourself. It’s empowering.
Good to read that your WiFi and your credit card company woes have been worked out.
Things like that can be maddening.
I’m definitely not going to continue with what I’ve been doing.
I think I’m damaging my health, physically and mentally.
Problem is, I’m not sure what I am going to do.
I think though, I’m going to search my heart and follow my own thoughts,
rather than what people tell me I should or shouldn’t do.
Whether or not it makes sense or not to anyone else.
I had so much excitement for 2018 and it was such a letdown.
I need to change the pattern.
Thank you. Please let us know how it goes — I’ve been worried about you. Change is scary, but continue doing what you’re doing now is even scarier. Fingers crossed, dear friend!
goodness…you can’t keep hurting “self” … maybe if you have time over the next week or so, sit down with some large pieces of paper and start writing…maybe start with in 5 years time I want to be !@#$% and then work back how to get there….OR what I really want to do is *()_&^ – even if at this point it seems unreachable…
If you are a story board sort of person and have a pile of magazines you could cut up…at first select anything that appeals to you right then. Glue them down or pile them up. If you get enough ideas, maybe cut them up and put them in a jar, swish them around…and pull one out. That’s your starting point…
I know from this last trip, that by rights I had been away already 4x this year, it had nothing much to do with the other trips…it was because I was “hurting over Christmas time/events/home for decades” and I finally just bit the bullet and did it. I regret nothing of the decision in fact it’s inspired me to consider going away again real soon…maybe on my own itinerary…
Thank you for this.
I actually have just gotten a 5 yr calendar
And I was contemplating making a vision board so this comment really hit close to home except I had never thought about starting at the end and working backwards to now!
Thank you.
I have to set some goals rather than just things happen or not happen but I also need to narrow down what it is that I really want.
Good luck with your next trip!
I love the idea of a vision board. I did one as an exercise once and it tuned me in to something I really wanted to do. Not too long afterwards an opportunity came up and I did it — going to Concord, Lexington, and Walden Pond all by myself. It meant driving in Boston area traffic, which I would not have dared do except for that vision board. It’s powerful stuff!
and sometimes, that vision type of board where you see something in a magazine that really appeals but seems to make no sense…can lead you somewhere, you never expected. You selected it because of the colour not the actual object.
Let’s say you never wear lippy but the colour on the tip appealed it was say flame orange…so you cut it out. Somehow it came to the top of things in your “jar”…. and you “what on earth does that mean?”
Searching around on the Net or somewhere else and realise it’s the same colour as some flowers you have always wanted in your garden or …. and you realise you need to create/learn/move/go or similar. Not right there and now, because it’s part of your journey.
My jar has been swished with this trip away…it’s made me a bit determined to go again, sooner rather than later…
I’ve enjoyed you girls’ comments!!! thank you!
a best new year to all of us.
being a bit ahead of you all – time wise – later today the 31st, I will be switching my life to 2019…
here’s hoping that I will have just as many adventures – not the bad sort but the good sort of having a ball…
I hope you do have a ball this coming year! I love reading about your adventures. 🙂