Keeping Cozy

Kaitlin and Torben brought down a quilt from their guest bedroom to keep them warm on the couch. Tempi appreciated it very much.

Zoe was lying on the floor, looking at their backyard, so Kaitlin gave her a cushion to lie on.

Then Zoe decided to snuggle up with the quilt too:

And here’s Tempi snuggling on the dog bed with the Michigan blanket.

Apparently that is fine for now, but I’m wondering if they might need more blankets/comforters. Look at the temperatures predicted for Tuesday through Thursday!



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14 Responses to Keeping Cozy

  1. weather is such a big topic with us all…we seem to thrive on that knowledge…and try to work through whatever it is.

    a friend of mine in Tasmania is driving away from her home in the Huon Valley because the firefighters administrators have said “time to leave” – Kit and Gary are leaving behind their beloved oasis and home, and hope that it will come to no harm, they have had 5 days to get everything together, and seem to be organised…

    here in NZ, the heated up temperatures that were/are in Australia are blowing across what is affectionately known as the “ditch” (Tasman sea) and places around NZ are hotting up…we here in Auckland are also expect hotter weather, especially at night. Advice for the coming week, “stay at home, drink plenty of water, but less alcohol” – if need be I could forgo my Wednesday trip out…and I know I will be okay at home…

  2. I think with those temps, everyone will need another blanket – Or throw another dog on the bed to keep warm! 🙂

  3. Diane Dahli says:

    Being loving to dogs seems to run in the family! Keep warm, everyone!

  4. bush and vegetation fires in Aussie are relatively normal – however, often they are in more or less wilderness places, so access isn’t great… and the wind easily shifts or that is what it seems to do. An update from my friend says they are still at home, but still a possibility they will need to leave.

    the heat here is expected to last only a few days…it’s already 8pm and I think it’s still 20C – so I’ve closed up a little, and no doing much…

  5. Ann Thompson says:

    Yep, I would say throw on another blanket. It’s supposed to be like that here too.

  6. The OP Pack says:

    Oh yes, the cold is coming here too. Some of the blast has already arrived. We have BIG winds and dropping temps. Stay warm. We will be looking for some extra blankets too.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    • Jean says:

      Our highs here are above freezing, but with the wind-chill lows may be as much as -50 where Kaitlin, Torben and the pups are. That can be dangerous. Yes, stay warm and take care!

  7. Linda Sand says:

    I’ve already gathered another lap rug for my chair in our living room. And I’m pulling my comforter up more at night. Dave was gifted a winter storm for his birthday today but we didn’t get it as badly as it was forecast so we are celebrating that.

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