A Busy, Happy Time

We picked up Andy’s sister and brother-in-law, AE and Eric, at the Santa Fe airport Wednesday afternoon, and they and Andy just left to take them back to the airport.

Also Kaitlin just wrote to say she and Torben landed in Albuquerque and will get lunch then drive up. They will be here until Monday night, then if nothing changes, we will see Andy’s brother and sister-in-law Tuesday and Wednesday.

How neat is that?

Here are some pictures I took when AE and Eric were up on the land:

And here are some Andy took yesterday when he took them to Chaco Canyon.

What a neat week!

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16 Responses to A Busy, Happy Time

  1. Sounds like your in for some fun visiting

    • Jean says:

      Yes, we had a blast with AE and Eric. They left this afternoon and now Kaitlin and Torben are here. Smiles all around.

  2. tammy j says:

    those pictures on the roof prove that it looks like courage and youthfulness run in the family!
    and Chaco Canyon is so different from your mountains. fascinating area.
    what a great time you’ve had. I’m so happy for you! and now the kids!
    couldn’t be better. πŸ˜€ XO

  3. Cindi says:

    Sounds like you are having a great time!
    And I’m glad to read that even more family are on their way.
    (I wish I could see the photos but it keeps throwing me into Flickr which won’t open for me because I can’t remember my password or what email I used on my old account there. πŸ™ )

    • Jean says:

      The link is to Flickr, but you don’t need to sign in. AE thought the same as you at first, but you just have to scroll down and all the pictures are there.

  4. My mom liked and spoke highly of Santa Fe
    Coffee is on

  5. nice photos and yes, no problems viewing them…and that’s one busy period you are having…glad to see the Xmas Tree is safely off the roof. One less job for Kaitlin to be involved with but I’m sure Andy has found her another job πŸ™‚

    • Jean says:

      When Kaitlin saw the pictures of the Christmas tree she said she and Torben had planned to help with it. They actually look for ways to help. πŸ™‚

  6. Chaco Canyon is a fascinating place.

    Love to know the back story about the Christmas tree on the roof.

  7. Diane Dahli says:

    Whew! Glad to see the tree was safely removed from the roof! I admire Andy’s bravery and agility. He clearly knows what he is doing!

    • Jean says:

      I’m much happier he when does it when someone else is around. I’m trying to talk him into doing something closer to the ground, but he says he’s not ready for that yet. He says it wouldn’t be as much of a statement, and I can’t argue with him. πŸ™‚

  8. nick says:

    Wow, the scenery in Chaco Canyon is amazing! I would love to do some serious walking in such beautiful surroundings.

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