How Cool Is That!?

Even though the architect didn’t show, or phone us, last Thursday, the meeting with Joe the contractor was productive. Among other things, Andy said he sometimes has trouble getting Joe by phone. If he doesn’t answer Andy couldn’t leave a message because the mailbox is full.

Joe says sometimes he’s somewhere like in a basement where the reception is poor, the best thing to do is to text him via email. Say what?!

So as soon as I got home I Googled how to do that, and I’m now sending my daily text to Andy from my computer. It’s a lot easier to send than using my cell phone keyboard and also to know if he manages to send a message back.

How cool is that?!

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8 Responses to How Cool Is That!?

  1. The OP Pack says:

    It really is amazing what technology lets us do. Sometimes it is a bit over the top, but many times it is quite useful.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    I didn’t know you could do that. Technology is simply amazing

  3. I had no idea you could send a text from your computer! That is, indeed, cool. There are lots of place where you can’t get service for a call but texts will go through.

    • Jean says:

      Yes, we can’t talk on the phone when he’s up there, and sometimes his texts don’t transmit back, but I text him every day and they go through. We also are paying for satellite internet up there so he can communicate with me, and that works almost all the time. Plus we have the Garmin tracker, also satellite, so I know where he is and he can send emergency messages if he gets in trouble.

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