October 27, 2011, Before the Shed
Joe said the powers that be assured him we will have the permit for the greenhouse in about a week. That’s a lot easier than when we tried to get a permit to build the shed after the fire. Joe and Steve both made the four-hour round trip only to be told we couldn’t get it because we didn’t have an official address. They needed a house number.
I wrote a post about it, and it says a couple of days later two fellows from the county came up and they and Andy decided 75 was a good number, so 75 Woodcutters Road it is.
I don’t blame Joe for saying this time he was willing to go down only once!
May 25, 2019
I like that address!
and I’m so glad you got the ‘go ahead!’
now we hope the weather co operates. 🙂 xoxo
We have plenty of time before the kit is made. It’s a sunroom that’s supposed to be attached to a house. We have to make sure our foundation and the wall that it attaches to are strong enough, the right size, etc. It will be interesting.
Hooray for the permit. Hope it comes through as planned.
clapping from afar…and yes having an address, would make the powers to be all happy – hope they don’t want to post you a package…that could be entertaining for a delivery man 🙂
Actually the greenhouse company first tried to send us the official plans to our address up there. Needless to say, it was a bit of a mess for a while. 😀
When my niece was building she had the same issue of not having a street number to get permits. The post office let her pick her own number, too.
I think it’s neat when that happens. It’s sometimes fun to have a choice.