Cloudy Weather? Yay!

This is the prediction for up on the land. It means Andy will get to see how the greenhouse does without much sun. 🙂

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13 Responses to Cloudy Weather? Yay!

  1. Rose says:

    You are going to have warmer temperatures than us…I think on every day. At least with our current predictions!

  2. tammy j says:

    bring it on! XO

  3. Catalyst says:

    Where do you live if NOT up on the land? SF?

  4. Ann Thompson says:

    It’s gonna be cold. A good trial run for the greenhouse

  5. Does he hike up there or drive when it’s this cold?

  6. that’s a good testing period…here it’s getting warmer, had some good almost summer temps but today it’s cooler…

    • Jean says:

      I’d rather have it cool than too hot. What is your ideal temperature?

    • mid range – if it’s too hot, I’m stifling – if it’s too cold, I’m frozen

      and sometimes can’t decide what to wear…even layers aren’t enough or too much…

      mind on a cold and gloomy winters day, crave warm sun…

      can’t decide on whether “snow” would suit me or not…last time in snow, I was a teenager in the UK and as a teen, you don’t feel it’s cold…

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