Crazy Weather

This picture was taken from my living room this morning, looking out at the rain. I hoped it would show the raindrops on the bottom half of the window in spite of our deep overhang, but they’re hard to see. Anyway, cold, blowing rain here.

And around 1:50 I received a message from Andy’s Garmin:

will be late, everything is fine

That was early for him to be telling me he would be late, but it was telling me not to worry, so I didn’t.

Then at 2:56 I received a text from his cellphone (it got through even though that often doesn’t happen):

It may be letting up a bit hom tonite?

I assume that meant he was safe but there might be a chance he would spend the night? Anyway, no point in worrying. I’m guessing the internet is out up there because of the snow, and sending more details via the Garmin is tedious, so he never bothered to learn how. I trust him to be sensible and will let you know how it turns out!!

Update: 4:10 PM. I just checked the Garmin map and he’s on his way home. That Garmin is one of the best things we’ve ever bought.

5:30 PM He’s home safely after an adventuresome day. There was quite a storm up there.

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12 Responses to Crazy Weather

  1. tammy j says:

    trusting at this hour that he’s back home safe and sound!
    it’s rained off and on here all day too. a very cozy day. xo

  2. Rose says:

    I am glad he was on the way home, but at least good that he had a way to let you know he was okay.

  3. Ann Thompson says:

    I’ve never heard of a garmin so I had to go google it to see what it was. Nice that you were able to get a message from him so that you didn’t worry about him being late

  4. I had to google ‘garmin’ too. Sounds like a good thing to have two different ways to communicate while Andy’s is up to the greenhouse.

    • Jean says:

      I can text to his cell phone, but his replies often don’t go through so we have internet up there, which didn’t work today, and the Garmin. He can easily send pre-written messages but texting with it is more complicated.

  5. great that communication worked, even though it was hard to understand 2nd message…although on saying that you knew he wasn’t “missing” if he could make a connecting communication with you.

    it’s always amuses me that I’m in nearly summer and you’ve got winter underway…yesterday was our (well my first) session with humidity in the arvo. But today there seems to be a nice breeze…

    • Jean says:

      The nice thing about the Garmin is I can see where he is, so when I checked I knew when he was coming home. Otherwise he would have been safely at the house. I would be a lot more concerned if he didn’t have the Garmin.

      Good luck with the humidity. Summer can be great if it isn’t too sticky.

  6. Cindi says:

    I’m catching up on your posts,
    I’m going backwards
    But kinda glad I’m late reading these because I’d be biting my nails.
    Worried about your Andy.
    You two are a perfect match.
    You are so calm and I’d be pacing and ranting.
    I’m so so happy he’s safely home.

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