I Couldn’t Resist…

reading the New York Times article with this catchy headline: A Kayaker and a 134-Foot Waterfall. What Could Go Wrong?

Spoiler alert— he wasn’t hurt at all, and the article has a short but spectacular video of the event.

Do headlines ever grab your attention?

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8 Responses to I Couldn’t Resist…

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    WOW, holy smokes I can’t imagine doing that. Yes headlines do grab my attention especially ones like this one

  2. Rose says:

    You could not pay me enough to do that…and yes, headlines do sometimes catch my attention.

  3. JeanR. says:

    Wow, That’s just crazy!

  4. craZy for me – but certainly not for the experienced and thrill seekers of life – be it a kayak or a racing bike or abseiling or ….

    and let’s remember those people who have been told “this will never happen” or the people who say “I couldn’t do that…” and it hounds them. Then at some point they turn it around and actually find they “can do it”

    it doesn’t have to be this crazy and nerve racking as this!

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