We Received a Valentine!

This notice was on our door yesterday:

How friendly is that?!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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16 Responses to We Received a Valentine!

  1. tammy j says:

    how lovely!
    our office invited all of us there this morning to decorate cookies and then partake!
    it was 23 degrees this morning and windy. sadly I forgot about it until too late.
    but I appreciated their thought! hopefully younger tenants remembered!

  2. Linda Sand says:

    We got a valentine in our in-house box. It was not addressed. Neither Dave nor I know the people who signed it. Do you think they put one in everyone’s box just like we did back in elementary school?

  3. Ann Thompson says:

    Well isn’t that a nice thing for them to do. Hope you had a nice day and enjoyed your sweet treat.

  4. Rose says:

    That was nice!!!

  5. JeanR. says:

    That’s really nice to be appreciated as a tenant.

  6. Cindi says:

    That’s very nice!
    Sounds like you live in a good place!
    Happy Valentines!

  7. how sweet and that treat must have had been sweet-as…happy day to ya all in the Northern Hemisphere…

    our property managers gift as a voucher for a supermarket each Christmas. I give it away to friends who help during my year…

  8. MadSnapper says:

    How sweet that they will give you a sweet. be sure to let us know what it was after your retrieve it. sounds like great landlords to me..

    • Jean says:

      It was a small heart-decorated cellophane bag with some Hershey’s kisses and a small bag of Skittles in it. It was well-done. πŸ™‚

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